by abaybay » Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:06 pm
Miya really quickly mentioned it, and to me, the pronouns are too vague to make an exact translation. Roughly, "For the outfits this time, each of us told the stylists what we wanted to wear and the outfits were decided." I left that last bit in passive voice because IDK if it's supposed to be we decided, or the stylist decided, or what. [For those who might be better, the actual quote is, 今回の衣装なんですけど、それぞれが着たい衣装をスタイリストさんに伝えて、決めた衣装なんです。]
She did mention a little after that you get to see all the different Berryz, so I guess they were supposed to show how different each girl is. But it would have been better carried out if at least they chose similar colors or style somehow.