Video was too safe. After yattaruchan's pretty awesome PV it's a bit of a disappointment.
However the song is AMAZING. After Yattaruchan it's def my second favorite song 6-nin s/mileage. (I've sort of mentally accepted them as a separate group from 4-nin s/mileage
And the group still feels unified which is great! The girls energy level was very high. I don't think it's the girls fault that the PV seemed to be missing something, they really put everything they could into it. Rina really stood out in this PV! Kanana too. Love that the back girls are being pushed out to the front. It's probably why the group seems so cohesive. Everyone feels more like equals.
That poster in the background seems more interesting than that poor PV. They should have done the dance shot there with the pink background and the couch haha
Hoping the II Yastu PV makes up for this one just being okay. Come to think of it Yattaruchans PV was way better than Atarashii Watashi ni Nare.