Let's face it, Star Trek was never really high on the list of scientific accuracy to begin with. But there was a certain kind of respect for canon, an attempt at least at internal consistency. Why did Spock need to do that thing he was doing at the beginning of the movie instead of sending a robot? The temperature in such an environment only reaches, AT MOST, about 3,000F. Are we to believe that they have the technology to block photon torpedo bursts but not that? Why did the big E have to hide on the surface instead of using transporter signal "boosters" or whatever those pylon thingies were called; or a shuttlecraft? I'm only 10 minutes into the movie.
The problem with Abrams is he (and the execrable Lindelof) have contempt for their audience. Pay no attention to plot, continuity, structure, accu SHINY LIGHTS AND FALLING THING GO BIG KABOOM! When Mr. Plinkett's "
reviews" of your movies are more interesting than the movies themselves, there's a problem. Right, George Lucas?