by Sohee » Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:19 pm
She has to? Not really. She's still popular among fans, she's still active on TV, she's still the only one that the public eye knows in relation to MM and she still pulls off being in the same group as a 14 year old. And most importantly, it seems like she really likes doing what she is right now.
Come this new year, 9ki has been in for 3 years already. In about a year, 10ki have been for 3 years as well.
Wouldn't be weird for any of them to graduate sometime soon (by which I mean announcing it within a year and graduating within two years). Obviously not everyone will, because some of the girls DO last longer. But to think that all 8 of them will stay around for 5+ years or something? Yeah, not gonna happen. Some will for sure, no doubt, but not all of them. One's bound to leave sooner or later.