randompasserby wrote:Chibs wrote:Is it implausible that the story might be spun a different way than it actually is, to make it sound better?
It's always a good idea to maintain a healthy skepticism and try to read between the lines of any official announcements but when there's nothing whatsoever to indicate the opposite (in the case of Aichan, Gakisan and Reina) and all materials candid or official point to the same conclusion that yes, some girls are indeed given the choice when to graduate at their discretion, insisting otherwise is just... idk your own projection on how the world works?
Tbh though, barring scandals, injuries or whatever the case with JunLIn is, I don't think anyone was ever, strictly speaking, forced to get out of Momusu.
Going by the official lines, most of the time they were just asked to think of their futures and whether they still see themselves in Momusu. It's really not that unreasonable to accept that some of them would've wanted to move on at some point imo. Ultimately, the fact that they all seem to came to terms with it by the time of their graduations and even after is always supported by their agencies suggest that there's no bad blood between them as would've been natural if they were indeed kicked out.
Like it was stated earlier in this thread, Ogawa Makoto definitely stated rather bluntly that she *was* forced out of the group. Maybe *forced* is too strong a word, but she was told she was graduating. I'm not saying it's always the case, but in hers it seems to have been. I think each situation is different. Also, Koharu was told by Tsunku he wanted to graduate her to make her a solo singer, they both said as much in their blogs. She just declined the solo singer approach, but I don't think she had asked for graduation herself, at least that is definitely not what it sounded like from any of the official versions of the stories we got.
As for Reina, well yeah she wanted to be leader, but she stated that a long while ago (several years), it's been forever now, it's not completely "out there" to think she just changed her mind.