Keep in mind that those numbers are not official totals. They're simply presumed from the picture that some wota happens to take of his ticket(s) and then share on 2ch. There could be another 1,000 people in line behind that wota, for all we know. Which is why Amped always says "more than…".
No, it's UF's fault for posting multiple versions, as well as for letting the final version air on M-ON! (which people then ripped) before posting it on their own channel. If you add them all together, the total is much higher.
Besides, why does it matter?
EDIT: That's right, Amped, edit out the gratuitous insult to your fellow fans that prompted my reply…
Last edited by Celedam on Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:52 am, edited 1 time in total.