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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies threa

Postby randompasserby » Sat Apr 06, 2013 4:20 pm

Thx! It's pretty interesting but I always hated the comeback or last question worth a gajillion points type system in japanese quiz shows and this just reinforce that notion XD
Chibs wrote:Lol when do you think they are going to be experienced enough to handle it. It will be trying but I think they should be taking more chances to push the kyuukies and juukies to the general public. I think Fukumura at least should've been there.

No no, that's not what I meant :lol:
Of course it'll be great if they push for more TV appearances for other MM members (esp Qkies) but for this particular show it just doesn't seem necessary as even Sayu and Reina barely got to talk and Dawa and Kanon even less so (it's more about audience participation show).
It can't be helped if Sayu and Reina had to represent Momusu but no sense in putting more MM members through that if that means you're risking exhaustion for more members of the group. Iirc the show finished recording around 3am, they would barely have time to sleep since they have to travel to Hiroshima in the morning, squeeze in some time for a rehearsal then having a live concert in the afternoon :wacko:

Just to drive the point home... Sayu's blog and early reports seems to indicate that she caught a little cold (hoarse throat, sneezing). Doesn't help that it's pretty bad weather (minor typhoon? I hope they're exaggerating though >_< ) in Hiroshima atm too ;___;
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies threa

Postby Sohee » Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:58 pm

The show aired until 1:10AM. Both Sayu and Reina updated their blog around 2 so they were surely home not much later than normal longer days. They were surely home around 3, and hopefully in bed too. lol
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies threa

Postby SaebaRyo » Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:58 pm

Amped wrote:Airi says she was in a taping for two for variety shows, "Tamori Club", and "Warattame Tengoku" on 4/12. then she had a ton of magazine photoshoots.

Found a summary for Tamori Club. They will be trying out various original adult gum flavours (eg nattou, takoyaki, wasabi, gyoza etc).
Sounds like fun. Can't wait to see it.
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies threa

Postby SaebaRyo » Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:28 pm

Haruka Big Comic SPIRITS

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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies threa

Postby 321BreakinOut » Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:40 pm

It's funny she has this "boy" image she's trying to play when she's probably one of the prettiest an most photogenic ones in te group :lol:
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies threa

Postby AyuHikaru » Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:59 pm

God Damn, Haruka is pretty.

I cannot believe she is this pretty at 13, imagine what she'll look like in a couple years. That photoset where she's laying down, just wow. It's so easy to forget she's a beautiful little girl with that whole ikemen thing
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies threa

Postby MarioYaguchi » Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:23 am

¡Haruka is gorgeous! :heart:
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies threa

Postby randompasserby » Sun Apr 07, 2013 1:26 am

I've been saying that from the start so much that when a lot of people start calling her boyish and then she herself start pushing her ikemen persona it irks me sometimes :lol:
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies threa

Postby Amped » Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:39 am

Smileage will be guests on Music Saturday all this month. Kudo will make a corner appearance on 4/19
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies threa

Postby Amped » Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:33 am

Morning Musume Morning Jogakuin radio show 4-6-13 - 9ki,10ki welcome their new regular to the show, Oda Sakura

Sayu and new regular Haruna on Youngtown, guest Chinami
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