:: Nintendo 3DS Topic (buy Code of Princess!)

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Re: :: Nintendo 3DS Topic (buy Code of Princess!)

Postby Rm88 » Tue Mar 05, 2013 8:57 am

...and the game hasn't made it to Mexico. FML. And I refuse to buy it digitally XD

By now I think I'll keep my 3DS, I can't really afford doube-dipping on a system I already own right now :lol:
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Re: :: Nintendo 3DS Topic (buy Code of Princess!)

Postby sb » Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:28 am

After beating Fire Emblem I've moved on Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Yup, I'm Monster Hunter guy :lol:
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Re: :: Nintendo 3DS Topic (buy Code of Princess!)

Postby Rm88 » Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:25 am

I got Luigi's Mansion and I dediced to buy Super Monkey Ball 3D since it was really cheap.

I've barely touched Luigi's Mansion XD It's great from what I've played, but Super Monkey Ball is like crack for me. It's one of the easiest and shortest Super Monkey Ball games, but it's still a lot of fun, I really should have bought it at launch.
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Re: :: Nintendo 3DS Topic (buy Code of Princess!)

Postby Chatin » Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:48 am

I've picked up a few titles for the 3DS in the last couple months:

-Fire Emblem - Haven't played it yet. This is one of those games I want to love, but strat isn't really my genre, so after a few missions I get stressed enough to stop playing. I'll still definitely give it a whirl, though.

-Castlevania - First hour and a half are terrible. Hated it. After that point it keeps getting better and better until the end. A lot of variety, a lot of fun by the time you hit the credits. Definitely recommend, and I was prepared to dislike it for not being the sort of Castlevania title I'd usual go for.

-Luigi's Mansion - Great game. Tons of fun. Wasn't sure about the mission structure at first, but it doesn't get in the way of the game, too much. Really enjoyed this.

-Monster Hunter - Font is so bad in this game, so I bought it on the Wii U as well (where the font is tiny on my HD TV, and doesn't help matters). It really seems like an acquired taste sort of a game, and one of those ones you put Goto Maki amounts of hours into, which I'm not necessarily ready to do, but I'm definitely interested in playing a bit of multiplayer to get some mindless grinding/crafting/hunting going on.

-Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon - This is the first one I've played. I've played the Chocobo title on the Wii and loved it (and all the classic songs re-arranged), but this isn't the same sort of fanservice as the Chocobo title was. Game is obviously aimed at a demographic much younger than myself, but I can look past that for the gameplay.... which is stuck between walls and walls of plot for which the text speed is a slow-ass crawl. Really, Nintendo? No option to increase the text speed?
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Re: :: Nintendo 3DS Topic (buy Code of Princess!)

Postby sb » Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:55 am

Yea Fire Emblem and especially Monster Hunter are time consuming games. I've got 140 hours on both and granted I've beaten both story modes, but there's still a ton of stuff I've left to do.
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Re: :: Nintendo 3DS Topic (buy Code of Princess!)

Postby Rm88 » Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:40 am

My recent-ish purchases and impressions:

Luigi's Masion: Dark Moon: It starts okay and gradually becomes pretty awesome. Currently in love with this game, I really didn't think Next Level Games could pull this off. Online play is quite fun too.

Super Monkey Ball 3D: Not sure why I missed it back at launch. As I mentioned, it's probably the easiest SMB game I've played but it's still very fun, and it includes a Mario Kart clone mode that isn't half bad (and a Smash Bros. clone, but that one does suck). I like it a lot, glad to have it in my collection.

Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy: I didn't see this coming but this game is amazing. I was really in the mood for a flight game and this one delivers. It's exactly what I wanted, I just wish you could unlock planes/colors more easily.

Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers: Currently my most played game. The atmosphere is superb, I love everything about this game so far. It indeed plays somewhat like the Etrian Odyssey games but the setting is way more interesting, and the battle system much better. Keep these games coming, Atlus!
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Re: :: Nintendo 3DS Topic (buy Code of Princess!)

Postby Chatin » Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:13 am

Been playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon only. Story is surprisingly more interesting than the mainline games, but some of the dialogue and the slow text wears on me. Game at it's core is definitely Mystery Dungeon, and I've been having a lot of fun going through it. Clocked probably 20 hours, and I've got a bit to go, yet.

Put myself on a budget lockdown, so I have avoided buying Soul Hackers on impulse. Should get to Fire Emblem, first.
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