SaebaRyo wrote:Hello Station #9 with Nakky.
- Ahahaha Nakky is such a natural at MC-ing. @.@ Next MC totally should be Morning Musume though... Kanon plz.
- Man Rena is so gorgeous, can't get over it. Nice to get footage like this though. *_* Lol the zoom on Karin's hip during her solo line ahahaha. LOL Nakky. "iyaaa... fresh ssu ne." xDDD
- Miyabi huh... Risako plz. She sounds good though. Nice location too.
- Interesting, Nakky says that she would rather not sing but if possible do hair arrangements on the channel - as there are many girls in H!P that are good at things like that too. That would be cool. :0 Some girls styling each other would be fun. *o*
- Quite liked seeing the C-ute performance from that angle. :0
- Berryz Hawaii PB in the making? Awesome. Risako looking great <3
This was good. Honestly not as exciting as some previous episodes but damn this show it turning out to be amazing. <3