randompasserby wrote:Never really got into the whole multiplayer aspect of console games, I'll just play actual MMOs on my PC if I ever want to
That said, the list of third party developers they have lining up for PS4 looks more than appetizing enough for asocial jrpg heads like me
Falcom games on an actual console instead of handhelds UNF
Handheld are my Jan, man. Frankly, there are so many games of like to play, but then it's like, "Oh,I have to play on Wii/PS#? Boo." Something about the portability ...I dunno. I generally don't play on the go super much, but there's something about having the whole kit and kaboodle in your hands.
BluRays are gorgeous, especially when they're 3D animated and you turn on Sports mode.
I haven't experienced them tying themselves to one player, but then I also haven't used any player but the PS3. Hmmm...