On the one hand, I can see how the head-shaving could have been meant as atonement, like, "I love my hair and look how ashamed I am of what I did I'll sacrifice something I love to prove my seriousness", etc. But on the other hand, it also feels like such a loose-cannon thing to do. Like, "Not only was I going to be difficult to keep in your agency because of my staying the night at a boy's house, but now I've also drastically changed my physical appearance, which is something normally only done with management's OK. Who knows what crazy stuff I'll do next weekend!!"
On the other hand, since they're releasing official videos of her apologizing, it does seem moreso as though the agency is giving her another try. Likely she'll be on the down-low for a could of months, they'll modify her hair into more of a pixie-cut, and she (and no3b) will be able to come back.
But dang, look at that shoddy buzz-job.