Has this been mentioned before? A list of Morning Musume's singles that ranked #1st on Oricon
抱いて HOLD ON ME (98)
Loveマシーン (99)
ハッピーサマーウェディング (00)
I Wish (00)
Mr Moonlight 愛のビッグバンド (01)
そうだ!We're Alive (02)
ここにいるぜぇ! (02)
As For One Day (03)
歩いてる (06)
しょうがない夢追い人 (09)
If nothing too surprising happened and Help Me! took that coveted Weekly #1st, Morning Musume would have a #1st ranked single in every decade since it's formation. This kind of achievement and longevity, wonder how many other group/individual in the music and entertainment industry who can say the same?
... and yet some will keep saying Morning Musume is a sinking ship lmfao
edit--- just to clarify a bit
I'm not saying the girls and their agency are infallible or the bestest thing eveer, they've made some bad choices(subjectively speaking) and there's always room for improvement. Though so far the signs looks promising