Streetpass is my life. I wish I lived in Japan so I could beat Find Mii Secret Quest with SP encounters alone. I'm inspired to make my Mii H!P-related now.
I live in the Greater Montréal Area and bring my 3DS to uni every day. My Streetpass encounters are hit or miss and I do the exact same trip every day: there are days when I get five of them, whereas on others I get none. There are a few Miis I've met 5-6 times already. Last Thursday I got four encounters, including a Japanese 3DS. My SP encounters are usually in French or English so it was a bit of a shock, and it looks like it wasn't even a REAL Japanese person but just some kid who imported an NTSC-J 3DS.
My 3DS is set to French, for the record, but I'm planning to change it to English once Pokémon X/Y is out because I can only play the game decently in English and Japanese. I've been Streetpassing since June 2012 and I have 130+ encounters as we speak. My highest number of encounters in a day was 10, when I brought my 3DS to the Montréal Comiccon last September.
In other news: I got Paper Mario: Sticker Star for Christmas and I was disappointed. I didn't really like the fighting system and it felt more like an adventure game than an RPG. It wasn't a bad game
per se, but it just didn't live up to my expectations. I also received a copy of Super Mario RPG (the Super Nintendo game, on a cartridge, yes) on the same day and the latter is clearly the best game. I don't like how PM games are evolving.
The most exciting level was the mansion. It was really fun and memorable. I made me look forward to Luigi's Mansion 2 so much!
Speaking of which, I pre-ordered Fire Emblem: Awakening and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon last week. As for other future releases, I can't wait for Animal Crossing, the DQ VII remake and Pokémon X/Y, of course.