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Morning Musume。'14, Berryz Kobo, ℃-ute, S/mileage, Juice=Juice, Hello!Project, TNX, and more

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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby randompasserby » Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:07 am

The setup seems to be a mini family drama or something, Reina will be playing the daughter (heh, musume... get it ? :roll: ). I think the kenshuusei're basically just extras though, along with 20 other elementary school students. Still pretty awesome :dance:

Konya mo Usachan Peace, guest Hagiwara Mai

-more talks about Reina's graduation, basically the same as her top yell interview
-reminiscing the time when 6th gen first met the h!p kids... A lot of people seem interested in who speaks keigo to who but back then it was pretty casual and they were'nt that concerned about formality
-Eri's ninja like stealth XD. Sayu doesn't even realize who she was when she saw her walking around backstage in last month's nakano sun plaza concert. she thought she was a new assistant/kenshuusei until she calls her "Sayu" . Maimai agrees as well, she said Eri always had a way of sneaking up to people and and she can erase her aura/presence or something lol because on-stage her presence is incredible
-something from each other groups you envy
*Mai : Nakky and herself likes to talk about Michishige-san's cuteness (sayu's face is nakky's type, apparently), but talking about it within c-ute is like stating the obvious :lol:
*Sayu : Maimi's coolness and because everyone's in c-ute has a nice figure, c-ute's costumes that shows the belly
-Sayu said C-ute's rehearsals and dance lessons are always very sexy to watch .. ... geez thanks for the nice image Sayu :fear:
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Starra » Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:50 pm

Mano Erina will be a guest on Radio Kansai on Christmas Day. It will be a one-hour special about Christmas. You can send your Christmas-related questions/comments to Mano by filling out a form on the site.
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby 321BreakinOut » Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:41 am

randompasserby wrote:Sayu, Fukuhime, Harunan and Sakura had a taping for Tv Tokyo's 音流〜On Ryu〜 airing on 1/4 2013
Fukuhime going with full-on princess curls :inlove: :notworthy:
http://ameblo.jp/sayumimichishige-blog/ ... 42651.html

The oldest from each current gen. They're all so angelic :inlove:

Except those big ass hands n haruna :mikihead:
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby randompasserby » Thu Dec 13, 2012 3:34 am

Article about "This Year's Kanji" from Nikkan Sports,
Sayu's 『一』 made it too
http://www.nikkansports.com/general/new ... 58851.html

Pretty much what she said here ...
Spoiler: show
randompasserby wrote:From ToPYell
"Describe this year in one character"

The numeral character "One"
This year, sixth generation members, me and Tanaka Reina are at the top of Morning Musume.
After becoming the leader I've experienced, thought about, and were troubled by a lot of things but with everyone's support I'm still doing my best.
Two of us sixth generation members, since becoming the top members of the group have deepened our bond.
The group has celebrated its 15th anniversary and I think is heading in a good direction. Even though we've celebrated our 15th anniversary we can also consider this our new start line, in a good way.
Starting again from the beginning, as a Reborn Morning Musume.
The only thing I found frustrating is that our single has yet to reach first place in Oricon rankings, but next year for sure !!

cmiiw as always
Have I mentioned how great Sayu is? Because she's beyond great :notworthy: :heart:

EDIT ---
Sayu a guest in a show about politics :?: ??? XD
Ikegami Sosenkyo
2012年12月16日(日) 19時54分~24時24分

Sayu will be in a segment of Downtown DX
有村架純 泉ピン子 IKKO 勝俣州和 川越達也 嘉門達夫 岸本加世子 小林可夢偉 
サバンナ 品川庄司 私立恵比寿中学 武井壮 内藤剛志 中川翔子 
西村和彦 三田佳子 道端アンジェリカ 道重さゆみ バービー 山崎邦正


「Rolling Stone」 2013年1月号 道重さゆみ(モーニング娘。) Interview excerpt from 2ch
haven't found scans of the interview pages yet, will update later.
Spoiler: show
「Rolling Stone」 2013年1月号 道重さゆみ(モーニング娘。) インタビュー(抜粋)

从*・ 。.・)<うれしい!ここ最近ですよね、アイドルがアイドルを好きって

从*・ 。.・)<はい。人生で出会ったなかでもいちばんかわいい人なんです。

从*・ 。.・)<そうなんです!

从*・ 。.・)<相当厳しいと思います(笑)。かわいいものが好き過ぎて、

――When we interview Idols, a lot of them said they admire Michishige-san
从*・ 。.・)< I'm so happy! There's a lot of this recently huh, Idols saying they like other idols. For myself I've always loved Ogura Yuko-san so much and I often listen to her songs since long ago

――She's your ideal vision of an idol?
从*・ 。.・)< Yes. She's the cutest person I've ever seen in my life. I admire her as a person and I like her worldview too. When she was doing activities as an idol and then breaking out of her shell and changes directions it always feels like the the explosion of the korin star (lol) Korin-sei bakuha is Yukorin's schitck
She's still popular even now as a Mama-talent, and it's cool that she's so smart. I've always loved cute people, even in my own family I have little interest in my brother or father and always spends my time with my sister.

――So you love cute people huh ..?
从*・ 。.・)< I really do!

――You seem like you can be pretty harsh judge in that regard
从*・ 。.・)< I think I'm considerably harsh (lol). I love cute things too much that I can be very harsh to uncute ones. I can only express it after praising them though (lol). So much so that people have said 『so you noticed even that sort of thing』 because I always looked for their cute points first, but I can see their bad points just as clearly. That last part I usually just talked to my mother and sister quietly though (lol)

Oh Sayu, you haven't lost your sting I see :rofl: :love:
Last edited by randompasserby on Thu Dec 13, 2012 8:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Zunu » Thu Dec 13, 2012 5:55 am

Sayu : Maimi's coolness and because everyone's in c-ute has a nice figure, c-ute's costumes that shows the belly

Is that some kind of super subtle swipe at Zux?
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby randompasserby » Thu Dec 13, 2012 8:33 am

^Personally I don't see how it could be interpreted like that, Sayu is the self-deprecating type too so she might as well be talking about herself. Not that zukki the poor girl needs more reminding, in the 910kies blog she noticeably puts up pictures of herself only very rarely unlike all the other girls so I got the impression she has some confidence issues :/.
It basically turns into a perving-out session discussion on the merits of each c-ute members' stomach anyway lol i.e Maimi's abs is very toned, Nakky's the sexy, soft girly type, going speechless and just sighing over Airi's and Maimai's waist being so slender etc etc so take it however you will :lol:. If anything, the barbs are more directed towards s/mileage, what with being promoted as the idol group with the shortest skirts (are they still doing that btw? ) but Mai and Sayu feels that C-ute wins in the level of skin exposure
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby zam_ho » Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:45 am

Got this in the email from J-Melo.

Dear J-MELO viewer,

We thought you’d like to know about a new Internet radio station that plays
Japanese music. It’s called Enjoy Music Japan (ENJ), and it’s free.

Our friends at ENJ are getting ready to launch a couple of regular shows.

For fans of idol groups, the first edition of “Idol Hour Hello! Project”
goes out on January 5. There will be a different DJ every month. The first
DJ is Sayumi Michishige, the leader of Morning Musume。.

And for fans of anime songs, the first edition of “Anison Hour” with
Hironobu Kageyama goes out on January 6.

EJN site: http://www.jibtv.com/enj/index.html

This is awesome exposure for H!P
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Celedam » Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:04 am

Recent J-MELO segments (Aichan and Risa in Paris; Airi comments on the fan scrapbook she received; Sayu, Mizuki, Haruna, Ayumi in Paris; Haruna and Ayumi learn flamenco) compiled into a single video…


(This is sort of a repost, I suppose, but like NBC used to say about its summer reruns, if you haven't seen it then it's new to you.)
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby randompasserby » Sun Dec 16, 2012 9:45 pm

^I don't think the Europe fanmeetings and handshake event footage was uploaded before so thx :happy: !

Sayu and other girls mentioned this in their blogs tonight...
Morning Musume will be on the cover of CD journal 1/19 issue, they also had a photoshoot for Big One Girls magazine next year's issue (will also contain event reports or something)

20121215 Morning Jogakuin #37 Ikuta, Suzuki, Ishida, Kudou

Haru is on-duty, her tension is a bit weird :lol:
randompasserby wrote:Sayu a guest in a show about politics :?: ??? XD
Ikegami Sosenkyo
2012年12月16日(日) 19時54分~24時24分

Watching a show about the Japanese election just for Sayu XD
She struggles quite a bit to keep up at the beginning but she manages to find her stride eventually
... and she looks practically divine gaaaahhhhh :heart: :heart: :heart:
Last edited by randompasserby on Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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I'm looking at you, Aichan.

Postby Zunu » Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:23 pm

^ She does. :heart: She looks like she put quite a bit of thought into dressing appropriately. Unlike some prior MM leaders who would show up to programs like this looking like they took style tips from Venus Williams.
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