-Sayu normally never answer calls from unknown numbers, but one time when she consults with her sister about a number that keeps calling, her sister said "Wait, that's Dad's number!" . Michishige-papa usually calls her from their house's landline and he recently bought a new cell.
-Aneshige reads Sayu's blog comments. She loves it when Sera(her cat) was praised
-Sayu puts a picture of Rihoriho and Maachan in the bunny Lalala Pipipi costume in the back of her Sayuusa stuffed doll that's part of her concert costume

Originally she wanted to put a picture of Yukorin (Ogura Yuko i think, Sayu's a big fan of her) but the staffs won't allow it. Since just going with a narcist chara and putting her own picture won't make her particularly excited she went to the goods-selling section of the concert venue and bought/asked for Rihoriho and Maachan's twoshot

-When she told them about it
ノリ*´ー´リ > Ah you put my picture back there? Thank you very much!
川* ^_〉^) > Eeehh not just Sayashi-san but Maachan too?! Yatta!Yayy!! *and then she ran off somewhere*
-Sayu asked everyone to please do not misunderstand. She loves all her kouhais but since the Sayuusa doll is well, a rabbit, she thinks Maachan and Rihoriho Lalala Pipipi pic fits best. That and Rihoriho is just reeeeaaallllly her type

Aichan and Gakisan on J-melo 20121203