by Daisuki Daiiyo » Fri Nov 16, 2012 12:31 pm
So I am trying really hard to watch this Airi "Piece" drama, and I just, I am struggling. Neither of the leads are likeable at all (Narumi, and the girl, whats her name? like Hagu? I am four episodes in, and I dont even remember her name).
The boy is just psycho, and I have no sympathy for him, because the drama has already built him up as a douchebag. And I started out liking the girl, but her characterization is so weird, and she keeps going back to the dbag even though he pretty much tried to sexually assault her twice. I just cant with these characters. That and then the constant use of the Matchbox-20 sounding insert song at every moment is just killing this drama for me. I thought it was going to be some mystery around the girls death, but so far they've wasted 4 episodes on this girl trying to decide if she wants to date the douchebag or not. I mean really, what does that even have to do with anything.
No wonder those middle episodes got low ratings, they suck. I can't wait til I make it to the Airi ep, because then at least there will be other character moments to break up the lead's stupidity.