USPS wrote:526.5 Live Scorpions
The mailing of scorpions is limited by the restrictions in 18 U.S.C. 1716. Under this limitation, scorpions are mailable only when sent for the purposes of medical research use or the manufacture of antivenin. Scorpions are nonmailable under any other circumstances. See Exhibit 526.5 and DMM 601.9.3.10 for mailing conditions that apply to permissible shipments.
Exhibit 526.5
Restrictions on Mailing Live Scorpions
Live scorpions are mailable only if EACH of the following conditions is met:
1. Must be for delivery only within the continental United States.
2. May be sent only by surface transportation.
3. Must be sent only for special purposes of either:
§ Medical research use.
§ Manufacture of antivenin.
4. Must be properly packaged prior to mailing, as follows:
§ Live scorpion is packed in a double container system, with each receptacle closed or fastened in such a way as to prevent escape.
§ Inner receptacle is made of material that cannot be punctured by a scorpion.
§ Inner receptacle is marked “Live Scorpion.”
§ Cushioning material is used to prevent shifting of the inner receptacle.
§ Design of packaging is of sufficient strength, as required in DMM 601.9.3.11, to prevent crushing of the mailpiece or escape of the contents during normal Postal Service handling and transport.
§ Address side of mailpiece is clearly marked “Live Scorpion.”
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