by Zunu » Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:52 pm
^ If you mean the part about "Women can look however they want imho, it's their bodies," you're right, it is sad...that something so basic and reasonable should have to be thought of as some kind of feminist (read "stridently non-mainstream") position. But it's true. There was an article in the paper recently about unskinny TV celebs like Mindy Kaling and some others, and at least half of the comments were about how these women, so lacking in self-control, are bad examples to "girls" and at the very least should lose weight for their health, even if they don't care that the rest of us are grossed out by looking at them. And no of course this has nothing to do with sexism, yet oddly enough you never see comments like that dominate a discussion about chunky male actors like Kevin James or Jonah Hill. And to top it off, a lot of those anti-women sentiments are most adamantly other women! WTF, women, keep Stockholm syndrome-ing yourselves...right back into the kitchen.
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