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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Celedam » Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:10 am

Officially, perhaps, but she's easily 15 cm taller than those men in the clip, and her heels aren't that high.

Isn't that her complaint (at 1:15), that people think she's so much taller than what it says in her profile?
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby iceymoon » Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:21 am

apparently there's a lot of speculation about that.. when i search Google i get a lot of boards and blogs discussing whether she might be 180cm (i think there's even a quote from Tsunku that lead them to believe that?). i don't care if she's 176cm, 180cm or 200cm but i kinda wish someone would measure her live on video so that people can stop asking her if that's really her height. XD poor girl. at least lately she seems more positive about her tallness as opposed to seeming kind of apologetic about it lol.
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby zam_ho » Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:15 pm

I don't think Yurina is embarassed about her height. According to Miya, Yurina tip-toes around the other members as if she isn't already tall enough ^^;

It always is amusing when it comes to the topic of Yurina's height :D
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Amped » Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:58 pm

Sayu Harunan will be interviewed in JUNON magazine wearing Fall cute outfits together
https://twitter.com/ufw_okayasu/status/ ... 0083688448

Last edited by Amped on Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby randompasserby » Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:37 pm

If that guy really is 172cm no way she's only 4cm taller than him XD
Is there really that much negative stigma for being tall in Japan that she even has a reason to be apologetic about it? Around here having people say you're tall is a compliment mostly lol

^Airi's magazine pics and making of video :blink:
I've been throwing the word "pretty", "cute" around her since pretty much the first time i saw her, but this is the first time i actually paused and realized that this girl is a real knock out. And that's 4/5 (sorry chisa) out of c-ute....dang tsunku you sure know how to pick 'em
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Parhelion69 » Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:55 pm

I don't think Yurina has a problem with it, she even introduced herself on TV as being Japan's "tallest idol".

And she had some high heels, that why she's towering over those guys. I'm 173cm myself, so I'd feel tiny besides her (in those heels) xD
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby wotakubrandon » Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:33 am

I'm like 182cm :mikihead:
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby iceymoon » Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:40 pm

^i really really really really really love Sayu's look (the outfit, but also just how it looks on HER).

Yurina is positive about her height now, but she used to be more shy or seemingly insecure about it (hence the use of the word "lately", which i thought wouldn't be misleading..). now she's so ok with it she wants to be a promotional girl for Tokyo Skytree, i think that's great. :lol:
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby DSQueenie » Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:19 pm

Woop I'm one cm taller than than Yurina and I'm only just taller than the average woman (which is 5 ft 5/169cm) where I live. Move to the UK Yurina you'll be normal here.
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby erilaz » Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:38 pm

iceymoon wrote:now she's so ok with it she wants to be a promotional girl for Tokyo Skytree, i think that's great. :lol:

I hope she gets to do that. That would be so awesome!
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