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Wed Oct 22, 2008 3:59 pm
新垣里沙さんと道重さゆみさん! and Sayumi were on an FM Nagano Radio show today 10/22
fanpic gathering:

They both also submitted a personal photo to show on the radio station's blog.
Sayumi's Picture (from Hawaii)

Gaki's Picture (Birthday Nails)
Wed Oct 22, 2008 4:28 pm
Those are some crazy nails, Risa!!
Loving the Hawaii picture. Cute Japanese girls, casually sipping their Jambo Juices.
Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:23 pm
vegetarianbeefeater wrote:She should know what most kanji mean just not what theyre called.
if i recall correctly, junjun knows mandarin which uses slightly different kanji than japanese. mandarin useses simplified and japanese uses traditional characters.
for example, 愛 (traditional) > 爱 (simplified) and 馬 > 马 are all i can think of right now
Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:41 pm
xxskawt wrote:vegetarianbeefeater wrote:She should know what most kanji mean just not what theyre called.
if i recall correctly, junjun knows mandarin which uses slightly different kanji than japanese. mandarin useses simplified and japanese uses traditional characters.
for example, 愛 (traditional) > 爱 (simplified) and 馬 > 马 are all i can think of right now

Actually, Mandarin is a dialect. People in mainland China use simplified Chinese characters, whereas people from Hong Kong and Taiwan use traditional ones (they speak Mandarin in Taiwan too).
Both sets of characters share same characters for some words. There are some differences of course but one should be able to understand/guess the meaning of the other set. In Japan, they use characters from both kinds. (However, of course, Japanese also made up characters or used some for meaning that are not the same in Chinese.)
Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:54 pm
teth wrote:Actually, Mandarin is a dialect. People in mainland China use simplified Chinese characters, whereas people from Hong Kong and Taiwan use traditional ones (they speak Mandarin in Taiwan too).
Both sets of characters share same characters for some words. There are some differences of course but one should be able to understand/guess the meaning of the other set. In Japan, they use characters from both kinds. (However, of course, Japanese also made up characters or used some for meaning that are not the same in Chinese.)
Even sharing characteristics, it still takes a moment for it to click in your brain that it's like "oh that's that!" Or thinking in your head what each part means.
Kind of like when you can't read someone's handwriting.
Just saying it was probably overwhelming for her, which is why she seemed confused.
Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:57 pm
It's kind of like how there are various words in other languages that are similar but not exactly the same to English words. Since English was adapated from French, German, Latin, Spanish and other languages, we have words that are very similar. I can't think of any at the moment, but I know they exist.
Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:58 pm
xxskawt wrote:Even sharing characteristics, it still takes a moment for it to click in your brain that it's like "oh that's that!" Or thinking in your head what each part means.
Kind of like when you can't read someone's handwriting.
Just saying it was probably overwhelming for her, which is why she seemed confused.
In case you misread my line on both sets of characters, I meant that both sets use the same characters for some words. Just to clarify.
In any case, perhaps that is true.
I will watch the clip later to see if they're words she should know.
Wed Oct 22, 2008 10:36 pm
I obviously haven't been on JPM in a very long time so you guys may already know, but I noticed this in the upcoming dramas for next year as i was going through DA yesterday:
3. Q.E.D. ~Shomei Shuryo~ (Q.E.D. 証明終了)
Time: Thursday 8pm
Starting Date: Jan 8
Official Site:
Cast: Takahashi Ai, Nakamura Aoi, Ishiguro Ken
It's on NHK.
The only question would be if it's the same Takahashi Ai?
Thu Oct 23, 2008 12:05 am
Very old news, but yep, Trolleh's acting on TV again. I believe there were some pics of the making of recently.
Thu Oct 23, 2008 12:53 am
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