Moderator: Moh
But, it seems lots of people are listening to the 50th single, “One・Two・Three/The Mattenrou Show”, that makes me happy (ノ∇〃 )
2012/07/04 101,000 One・Two・Three/The 摩天楼ショー
2003/07/30 *98,028 シャボン玉
1998/01/28 *95,060 モーニングコーヒー
1998/05/27 *86,670 サマーナイトタウン
2003/04/23 *84,251 AS FOR ONE DAY
2004/01/21 *78,142 愛あらばIT'S ALL RIGHT
2003/11/06 *73,884 GO Girl~恋のヴィクトリー~
2003/02/19 *72,594 モーニング娘。のひょっこりひょうたん島
2005/07/27 *68,009 色っぽい じれったい
2004/05/12 *67,144 浪漫~MY DEAR BOY~
2004/07/22 *58,435 女子かしまし物語
2009/08/12 *54,973 なんちゃって恋愛
2007/04/25 *53,551 悲しみトワイライト
2005/01/19 *51,421 THE マンパワー!!
2004/11/03 *50,967 涙が止まらない放課後
AyuHikaru wrote:So, Roy is friends with someone who is a big AKBstan and she was all "LOL ONLY 100k" and he jumps in and goes "No. NO. THIS IS GREAT FOR MORNING MUSUME AND YOU CAN SHUT UP."
I was so proud of him
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