Celedam wrote:Those are estimated numbers. In fact, it looks like someone thought they were being helpful and "cleaned them up," because I know they still had the real numbers when they forked ThePPN.
You can get the real numbers from Generasia...
http://www.generasia.com/wiki/Morning_MusumeUnfortunately, Generasia doesn't have the handy table.
Oh, how we miss you, ThePPN. This wiki schism continues to be such a nuisance.
i saw this last night, but it was too late to get into analyzing and figuring out what to change back. fixed it.
it's still not totally accurate because somebody has been doing the rounding thing here and there before now, apparently. better than before, though.
http://j-ongaku.org/wiki/Morning_Musumefor the record (just to put it out there), Bryan & i created J-Ongaku back when ThePPN was refusing offers people gave (including our own) to host them and help them start over. once J-Ongaku gained some traction, they finally gave in and started over with Jpopstop (revamped as Generasia). we pretty much decided back when that happened that there was no point in continuing J-Ongaku, but decided against deleting it because of 1) all the work that went into it thus far, 2) there were users who were still interested in using J-Ongaku, and 3) the tables with sales info are indeed missed lol.
i stil contemplate whether we should just take it down entirely to avoid confusion, but those same reasons always seem to apply. so that explains why it seems half-abandoned, half not.. that's pretty accurate. mission aborted officially, though not technically.
but i still want to keep total messes from being allowed, like the guesstimating of sales numbers that happened here.
i have something that will be much more helpful when it comes to sales numbers in the works, so i look forward to not having to deal with any wiki for that in the future.