DARC1993 wrote:Eripon will take over Gaki's peegreen/yellow green color.
Girl, as cute as it may be, you can't keep doing this. You need an identity of your own.
Moderator: Moh
DARC1993 wrote:Eripon will take over Gaki's peegreen/yellow green color.
DARC1993 wrote:Eripon will take over Gaki's peegreen/yellow green color.
AyuHikaru wrote:It's not very awesome at concerts because people can't buy glowsticks in the color so it looks like she doesn't have any fans . Purple would just make things easier. The girl is like the least popular in MM right now, and it just sad she can't find what fans she does have in the crowd because BROWNLOL
Today, the five of us, Ikuta Eripon, Sayashi Rihoriho, Iikubo Harunan, and I
Had our talk & handshake event at Ario-Kameari~!!!
Everyーone who came!
Thank you so much ヾ(´∀`○人●´∀`)ノ ♪
There the “One・Two・Three/The Mattenrou Show” CDs were sold out!
And and and!!!!!!
“One・Two・Three/The Mattenrou Show”
is Oricon daily number two!!!!
Trulyー, everyone, thanks so much!
From tomorrow there’s events and handshakes too so by all means please do us the favor.
By the way, tomorrow, Sayumi and Tanaka Reina-chan are doing a handshake event at Osaka Midou Assembly Hall☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.☆
The first picture, Sayumi this morning★
At the handshake event, my hair is half up (^_-)
The second shot, after we finished our ride, even though we arrived, not waking from sleep, it’s sleeping Rihoriho ( in front ) and, sleeping Maーchan ( back )
Adorableーーーー! Revitalizing!!!
Everyone, please rest soundly too kay♪
Reallyー, Everyoneー, thank you so much!
Ah! And,
Tomorrow’s ZIP, 7:00~7:30, during the entertainer’s corner Sayumi is appearing for a commentー★
Everyone, by all means please watch (((*>ω<)ノ。・゜.
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