^ Sara danced awkwardly, if I remember correctly xD
I'm liking all the generation songs, mostly because all the vocals are solid. Such an awesome line-up we have right now <3
I like the 10th gen song the most.
Moderator: Moh
Celedam wrote:A message from the official channel…
To commemorate the release of their 50th single, they're doing a special deal with Recochoku that includes all of their previous singles. I'm trying to figure out the details… I think all of the previous 49 singles will go on sale, and there will also be a package deal of all 50 singles for 3900 yen. I think.
Yesterday, Ishida Ayumi, lightened her hairー!, that’s what I said,
and it was a picture from when she was black haired Ayumin so
Today, I took pictures of lightened Ayumin (ノ∇〃 )
Can you tellー?
It’s realー little bit so, maybe you can’t really tell huh?
In the sunlight and stuff it’s really clearー。゜(゜´Д`゜)゜。
Her eyes are brown too so, I think her brown hair really matches it★
When I met Ayumin today,
“Thank yoーu for your blog yesterday”
She is a very polite Ayumin ( *´艸`)
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