Age: 22
Birthdate: 8/16
Location: New York City
Gender: Onna no ko!
Favorite [Current] Morning Musume Member: Masaki Satou
Favorite Morning Musume Generation: 9th! Kyukkies!!!
Favorite Hello! Project Member [of all time!]: Ai Takahashi
Favorite Graduated Hello! Project or Morning Musume Member: Ai Takahashi

Favorite Hello! Project Group: Morning Musume
Favorite Hello! Project Song: Koi no Dance Site

Favorite Morning Musume Song: Again Koi no Dance Site!

Favorite Hello! Project Album: Either 10 MY ME or Platinum 9!!! Can't decide!
Your other interests: While Morning Musume is my #1 I do love all of the H!P groups. I've been a fan since around 2007 and since then I've fallen in love with all of the groups past and present!
Anything else you want to say: I used to live in Japan. I lived in Osaka for 4 months and Nagoya for 8 months. I wish my Japanese was better though!

I've been following this message board for two or three months now so I hope I can make a good post or two!
[Edited 6/22/12]