Name/Nickname: tanuki
Age: 18
Birthdate: 12/8
Location: US
Gender: Female
Favorite Morning Musume Member: Ai Takahashi/Junjun
Favorite Morning Musume Generation: 4th
Favorite Hello! Project Member: Hitomi Yoshizawa, Mari Yaguchi, Miki Fujimoto, Ai Takahashi, Junjun
Favorite Graduated Hello! Project or Morning Musume Member: Hitomi Yoshizawa, Mari Yaguchi, Miki Fujimoto
Favorite Hello! Project Group: Morning Musume
Favorite Hello! Project Song: So many...probably a MM song
Favorite Morning Musume Song: Again, so many...I can listen to almost any song and like it
Favorite Hello! Project Album: Sexy 8 Beat, Rainbow 7, Cafe Buono!
Your other interests: Seeing movies, learning japanese, watching dramas
Anything else you want to say: not that I can think of