Sohee wrote:The actual bringing it to DVD-ness, surely can't take that long? Or maybe I'm forgetting something.
Assuming they
could shoot it in a couple days (which I doubt), they still have to edit the video, create titles and captions, create cover artwork, master the disc (which is more complicated for a real, pressed DVD), press however many hundreds or thousands of copies they think they'll sell, print the covers, package everything, and deliver it all to the concert.
That's impossible to do in only two weeks, unless the UFW merchandising department drops everything else and works only on this, and that's not going to happen with three different concert tours already going and another coming up.
With USB sticks, on the other hand, they can purchase and silkscreen the units in advance and then flash them as needed at the concert. That gives the video production department almost the full two weeks to actually produce the video.
Of course, I could be ridiculously wrong and the DVDs will be there, just to spite me. But I'll be very surprised if they are.
321BreakinOut wrote:Omg Finally. I'm so happy