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Morning Musume。'14, Berryz Kobo, ℃-ute, S/mileage, Juice=Juice, Hello!Project, TNX, and more

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Re: Hello! Project TV, radio, web, magazine, movie

Postby Celedam » Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:47 am

^ Wow, they're really going on a talent offensive…
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Re: Hello! Project TV, radio, web, magazine, movie

Postby Menno » Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:53 am

And on 04/17 Risako will be guest on the 1st episode of a new Fuji TV talk show called Catherine.

タグ失敗・・・。4月17日からのフジテレビ系の新番組「キャサリン」にBerryz工房菅谷梨沙子がゲスト出演!乞うご期待! #sugayarisako
http://twitter.com/#!/kikukawapro/statu ... 9000893441

website for the show.
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Re: Hello! Project TV, radio, web, magazine, movie

Postby SaebaRyo » Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:49 am

Airi and Maimi in the May issue Bomb.



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Re: Hello! Project TV, radio, web, magazine, movie

Postby Nayoko-Kihara » Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:59 am

What are the pictures of Mizuki for?
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Re: Hello! Project TV, radio, web, magazine, movie

Postby Amped » Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:08 am

its from Wani Books mobile. its the 9th and 10th gen solo gravure series thing - Fuku-chan vol.1 just came out today.

narz wrote:starting 1/3/2012, Wani Books mobile is starting a series of gravure content for Kyuukies and Juukies, updates will be every Tuesday

120410 ワニブックスモバイル モーニング娘。 9期・10期メンバー連載 譜久村聖お散歩デート編!! vol.1 その1
今週より、譜久村聖ソログラビア フクちゃんと行くお散歩デート編~^v^
のんびりまったり色んな話を聞いちゃいましょう♪♪ お楽しみにー◇◇◇◇

ノノ∮‘ _l‘)<いつもは2つに結んだりしないので、恥ずかしいです!

( 登り棒に手を回してもたれている写真 )
ノノ∮‘ _l‘)<もうすごく、悔しかったですよー><
ちょっと、特殊な勝負だったから、ゴメンね; どんな勝負だったらよかった?
ノノ∮‘ _l‘)<それは・・・・・・。 ハロプロのコトを語る勝負だったら、私圧勝だと思います

( 登り棒に抱きついてる写真 )
次の対決企画は、ぜひそれにさせてください◇◇ ちなみにハロプロ!メンバーの中で、
ノノ∮‘ _l‘)<Berryz工房の嗣永さん大好きです♡
ももちぃなんだ! どんなところが?
ノノ∮‘ _l‘)<なんていうか、もう昔から好きなんです。独特なキャラも含めて、可愛いです!

120410 ワニブックスモバイル モーニング娘。 9期・10期メンバー連載 譜久村聖お散歩デート編!! vol.1 その2
ノノ∮‘ _l‘)<うーん、もっと仲良くなりたいんですけど。緊張しちゃって。
普通のファン(笑)!! 同じハロプロ!なのに。

( ブランコをこいでる写真(ちょっと開脚ぎみ) )
ノノ∮‘ _l‘)<・・・・・・道重さんですね。道重さんも可愛いし今でも十分すごいのに、

( 鉄棒にもたれてニッコリ笑顔 )
ノノ∮‘ _l‘)<そうなんですよ 2人に限らずハロプロ!の魅力って、本当に

( 手を後ろに組んで遠くを見ているフクちゃん )
そんなハロプロ!のメンバーの立派な一員のフクちゃん♡ と引き続き、
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Re: Hello! Project TV, radio, web, magazine, movie

Postby SaebaRyo » Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:18 pm

Bomb.tv has a short clip of Airi and Maimi's photo shoot.
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Re: Hello! Project TV, radio, web, magazine, movie

Postby SaebaRyo » Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:05 am

SaebaRyo wrote:There's a new FC video series called スマイレージの笑えない面々・・・ (S/mileage no Waraenai Menmen・・・) that started today.
The new members will be talking about a particular subject. The theme for this month is self introduction.

Here's Kana's video.

Akari talks about baseball and juggles this week.
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Re: Hello! Project TV, radio, web, magazine, movie

Postby Celedam » Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:20 am

narz wrote:Run For Money ~Last Mission~ 4.8.12 - Momoko

full episode

a must watch.

Momoko's parts only…

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Re: Hello! Project TV, radio, web, magazine, movie

Postby Amped » Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:52 pm

narz wrote:Tokyo FM LETTER for LINKS 4.8.12 - free podcast by Gaki-san
http://www.tfm.co.jp/links/index.php?it ... =1129#more[/url]

translation of Gaki-san's letter
http://www.tfm.co.jp/links/index.php?it ... =1129#more

Morning Musume Niigaki Risa: Story of a Bond

Training camp life that started after we got accepted in the audition.

When I was small, I was generally shy and reserved.
I couldn't even imagine performing anything in public.
However, when I was in third grade, I had a fateful encounter.
What I, Niigaki Risa, encountered was Morning Musume.
They were brilliantly beautiful. Their dancing was lively and they sparkled.
Beyond admiration, a light called "dream" was lit.
"Someday, I want to be in there, singing and dancing."
When I was 12 years old, an audition was held.
The number: 40,000 people. At most, 2 or 3 would be chosen.
The long, challenging days began.
At any rate, I loved Morning Musume.
I had confidence that I wouldn't lose to anyone on that point at least.
At the final judging, I was one of the 9 who remained.
Life at training camp with the 9 of us.
There was one girl who was from Fukui Prefecture and had an accent.
When we weren't assigned to the same room, she said, "It's too bad that we couldn't be together."
That accent was cute.
That girl was Takahashi Ai.
There was a sophisticated girl who was hard to talk to.
She had a unique atmosphere and was good at dancing.
I thought, "This girl will definitely get accepted."
That was Ogawa Makoto.
A mysterious girl who was always in her own world.
Even while traveling on the bus, she would open the curtain and fix her gaze outside the window.
She was Konno Asami.
Including me, these were the 4 people that got accepted.
After that, the road of this friendship which spans beyond 10 years stretched long and straight.

"If it's you, it'll be fine," she told me.

When I, Niigaki Risa, was accepted in the audition in 2001, Tsunku-san commented, "Your attitude towards dancing and your love for Morning Musume was conveyed to me."
The then-current members sang "The☆Peace!" in front of Takahashi Ai, Konno Asami, Ogawa Makoto, and me.
The Abe Natsumi that I admired was then that close to me.
At that time, without thinking about such things as the professional initiation that I would later undergo, I was simply engulfed in a feeling of happiness.
Perhaps it was because I was younger than everyone, but my excitement was stronger.
However, the lessons were strict, and I, unable to perform as needed, was frustrated.
The 4 of us often talked. We got along well since the beginning.
Makochii was the moodmaker.
Konkon simply listened with a "hmm."
Everyone stopped Ai-chan from being reckless.
I think it's a miracle. The fact that 4 people can get along this well.
Eventually, the times when we each approached our own graduations came.

My generation-mates, Takahashi Ai, Konno Asami, and Ogawa Makoto, ever since we got accepted in the audition in 2001, have been, and always will be, my friends.
In 2007, in place of Fujimoto Miki-san, Ai-chan became Morning Musume's leader, and I became subleader.
In 2011, Ai-chan graduated, and I assumed the position of the 7th leader.
In the end, a girl who simply loved Morning Musume became that leader.
The girls who have recently joined are in the first half of their teens, just as I was.
There are a lot of perplexing and troubling things.
Even in those times, all of my generation-mates casually worry for me.
I received a text from Makochii, saying, "I can't do anything, but I can listen."
Konkon gently came closer and embraced me firmly.
And then, Ai-chan said with a smile, "If it's you, it'll be fine," and lightly patted my shoulder.
I understand that I've been able to come this far because they are there for me.
Even now that we've each found our own paths, the fact that they are important friends does not change.
Like the lyrics in the song that we sang together, "Suki na Senpai," I'll ask everyone today as well. "Is the me today spirited?"

To Ai-chan, Makochii, and Konkon,
I'm truly glad that we are in the same generation.
Everyone is now working hard on their own paths, but thank you for contacting me right away when something comes up or during painful times.
From now on, too, please take care of me always.

credit kurikaesu.haru
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Re: Hello! Project TV, radio, web, magazine, movie

Postby Chatin » Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:01 pm

That's too sweet. :heart:
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