by Idol Tenshoku Ondo » Sat Jun 22, 2024 8:13 am
I got my album in but I had to drop my PC off at a repair shop so I can't rip it for another week. At least my car still has a CD player, when the day comes I need a new car I'll tear out the touchscreen and put in an old-fangled CD player.
Anyway this album is pretty solid, fits right in with her other stuff and has a solid theme. Overall what I would consider restaurant music, but still a few more energetic songs. Track 8 stood out a lot, it was like right when the album feels like it might get too samey it changes it up.
I like the new Docchi but won't get rid of the original for it. Original Docchi is probably my favorite Risa song so far so I'm glad the montage version is more distinct from it than the montage version of Jirashite Aishite is from the original. I'd be fine replacing that song with the new version.
So yeah, solid album. If you like her stuff till now you probably like this, but don't expect a bunch of upbeat energized music. This is more like something that would come up in a cozy restaurant jazz algorithm playlist and it makes sense for her dinner show series.