H!P Dreams thread

Morning Musume。'14, Berryz Kobo, ℃-ute, S/mileage, Juice=Juice, Hello!Project, TNX, and more

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Re: H!P Dreams thread

Postby Shoujo Q » Mon Feb 24, 2020 8:19 am

I had a dream last night I was in a movie theater/oversea event and Sakura plus a few of the older members whom I’ve seen before knew who I was. That was about the extent of it, or what I can remember anyway. I was also squatting down in a corner for no apparent reason.

It was odd because I never really have H!P dreams.
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Re: H!P Dreams thread

Postby Shoujo Q » Wed Mar 11, 2020 9:45 pm

I had a full blown H!P related dream last night.

Atsuko Inaba seems to be in charge of the H!P costume warehouse, she seems to be curating a museum of sorts. She hunted down all of C-ute to come and check out their collection of costumes. The hardest member to find was Mai and it took a lot longer to hunt her down compared to someone like, Megumi. The members are all brought into a room where they see costumes from Berryz and C-ute on display. Everyone was reminiscing about old times. Someone found Mai's glasses and she tried them on and everyone had a good laugh. Then Airi found her outfit from Aa! and decided to try it on. In true dream fashion it still fit her and everyone was surprised.

After that it started raining and the dream ended, or was swept away by a flood. I'm not sure. I just know water was involved.
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Re: H!P Dreams thread

Postby erilaz » Mon May 11, 2020 5:08 am

Last night I dreamt that I was at a concert with Takahashi Ai. We were talking together until it was time for her to go to her own seat. I was in the front row of a section, with a walkway in front of me. Aichan's seat was in the next section forward, about three rows in front of me, but a little to the left, so that we were both looking at center stage from the same angle. I have no idea who was performing, but it appeared to be a sold-out show, with all the seats occupied.

I think it means that I'm eager to return to attending live concerts and not worrying about social distancing.
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Re: H!P Dreams thread

Postby Moh » Tue May 12, 2020 1:53 pm

I'm not sure this quite counts as an H!P dream, but the other night I dreamt about an announcement on here. In it, boinsie had posted something like, "Even though there's no more [H!P] activities this year, we'll still have Hello! Project Survivor!" :lol:

I started doing the cards the other night, so that's probably why I had a dream about this. :fear:
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Re: H!P Dreams thread

Postby erilaz » Wed Aug 12, 2020 3:38 am

I forgot to post this earlier, but about three weeks ago I dreamt that I was at a shopping mall, where Sayashi Riho was handing out food samples. Fried chicken, if I recall correctly. She warned me in Japanese that it was spicy, but I said, “Supaishii wa suki desu.” (“I like spicy.”) She laughed.
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Re: H!P Dreams thread

Postby erilaz » Wed Jan 06, 2021 2:36 am

Last month I dreamt that I was at a party, probably on a yacht, and Kamei Eri was there, too. I took her to look for a photo in one of her photobooks, possibly to autograph it. We conversed in English, which she spoke with an accent but very fluently, and I complimented her on how much her English had improved.

This morning I dreamt that I was apparently still living in the town where I grew up, and there was some sort of trade show or fair going on there. I discovered that Morning Musume。 (or at least some of the members) had been at the show, signing autographs, but I had missed them. I saw the booth where they had been, and the Japanese signage and some of the photo cards that they had been signing were still there. The booth was too small to have accommodated the entire group. I tried in vain to think of where the girls might have gone next, so that I could try to see them and maybe take some photos.
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Re: H!P Dreams thread

Postby Pyo-kiyo » Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:48 am

I had a quick/brief dream in which Juice=Juice announced disbandment... but the funny thing is that it was scheduled for summer 2016.
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Re: H!P Dreams thread

Postby erilaz » Sat Sep 09, 2023 1:19 am

Last night I dreamt I was in a shop where I found a used Morning Musume。 DVD. I was trying to determine whether it was a legitimate release, because it looked a little bootleggy and the group’s name appeared on the front cover as “Morning Musume。’12”.
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Re: H!P Dreams thread

Postby hewalksalone » Thu Mar 28, 2024 6:46 am

So a few days ago I had a crazy dream. I was a security guard at some show where MM, J=J, and Camelia were performing. I was looking back at the performances (instead of doing my security guard duties) when Ruru suddenly lost her balance and fell off the stage. I managed to catch her just before her head hit the floor. The audience was in shock and all the members ran to edge of the stage to see if she was ok. Management rushed to check on her. She swore that she was ok and insisted that she be lifted back onto the stage. We pushed her back up to the stage and she was pulled the rest of the way up by ReiRei and Riai. The rest of J=J was in shock, Yume was crying, Ruru patted her on the head and they managed to finish the set. Just as J=J was leaving the stage Ruru sent at me, a triple kiss, a deep bow and prayer hands.

For reference I had watched Babymetal Budokan Red Night a few days earlier. That's the show that Yuimetal fell off the stage during the perfomance of the song Headbanger. >30 sec clip of that bad moment-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRDpD19QF-Y.

Also during my dream as I caught Ruru. She was tiny, very very tiny, like the size of a 11-12 year old (or Wakana size). Or maybe I was huge, so it made her seem tiny. It was a strange dream but I was a hero for a moment.
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Re: H!P Dreams thread

Postby Zunu » Wed Jun 12, 2024 12:09 am

^ hewalksalone, deepest apologies for the late approval on that post. Because the topic was stuck on the 2nd page we never saw the moderation request. Still inexcusable, but just wanted to let you know it was nothing personal.

Apropos, I haven't had a dream with an idol in years that I can remember. But then last night, I had an odd little dream with UUG(2)'s Sasaki Honoka.
Spoiler: show
She and I were co-workers on our lunch break and she had no plans, so she brashly invited herself to accompany me to my destination, which turned out to be a secluded little island that I regularly snuck off to during my lunch hour in this dream reality. The island was decorated with little miniature gingerbread looking houses that were inhabited by tiny cartoon characters. So after giving her a mini-tour, we sat down and then I to ask what her plans were for her future. Specifically I asked her if she was doing any saving, and she said, not really, she's young, only 23 (in the dream), and trying to live a full life. And I responded, that's great, but you should put a little away for the future as well. "If you start now, just put $5K a year away and by the time you're 40 you'll have over $100k for sure, on your way to being a millionaire!" Yes, I was alone with an idol and we were discussing...retirement planning. What the hell kind of dream was this? Seems my days of lusting after the talent are long past and even in my fantasies I'm reduced to merely offering them avuncular counsel. :giggle:

Anyway, from there we took the subway back to the ol' shigoto and after riding for some time I noticed that the street numbers were going up instead of down, so we got off at some unknown stop to transfer back to the other direction. This station was large and cavernous, and looked something like a giant rat maze, with tubes and platforms on different levels, and metal stairs and grates everywhere. At that point I realized we had about 3 minutes to get back to work before we were late. So I selfishly thought to myself, "I'd better check in with the office so they know I'm running late. But I won't mention Hoo-chan, because that's just going to make it look like we're returning late together from some afternoon hanky-panky, and I don't want that on my reputation. She can call in for herself if she wants to, her being late is her own problem, not mine!"

Somehow Honoka must've magically gleaned my self-centered thoughts because at that moment she distanced herself from me and jumped down to a platform on another level, although I could see her. She was sulkily laying down, lolling atop one of the gratings, like when a little kid gets tired and cranky after a meal and suddenly turns into a heavy but boneless rag doll. And I shouted out to her, "What are you doing, get up! That's dangerous to just lie down in a subway station." She looked up at me with her eyes in contemptuous slits. But just at that moment, a train came barreling through the station, vertically from below, like a rocket launch, bursting through the grating she was lying upon, which flipped up with tremendous force against an indentation in the wall. After the train passed I was in a panic. She was nowhere to be found, but surely she had been flattened into jelly by the train, I thought! Yet then to my relief a metal covering lifted up, and she emerged looking a bit battered but no worse for the wear. I called to her, "Hoochan! Come back!" But instead she just climbed down still further into the depths, and I woke up despondent.
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