Random Thread ~Usagi-Chan ☮ Tūsurī~

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Re: Random Thread ~Usagi-Chan ☮ Tūtū~

Postby Amped » Thu Jul 20, 2023 9:19 am

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Re: Random Thread ~Usagi-Chan ☮ Tūtū~

Postby rikkikow » Thu Jul 20, 2023 9:43 am

not 2010, that must of been at the 2011 H!PS Awards Ceremony :w00t:
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wrong girl won though
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Re: Random Thread ~Usagi-Chan ☮ Tūtū~

Postby Spaghetti-Western » Thu Jul 20, 2023 10:45 am

Shoujo Q wrote:For me. I'd say anything that holds any sort of emotional value. If you really think about it, and I do quite a lot, none of the stuff we have is going to really go anywhere except a landfill one day.

I think this all stems from losing my uncle last year unexpectedly and having to help clean out his place. The amount of his stuff that held value you to HIM but not us. It ended up either going into a donation bin or the trash. Bags and bags of stuff just, going to charity for someone else to sort through and who knows if they actually saved it and didn't end up tossing it?

I realize that for a small part of my idol fan loving life, I was using the purchase of goods as a means to making myself happy and hoping in some small way that I was supporting my favorite idols. But after a decade or so, that little idea turns into a clutter of stuff that at the end of the day, really doesn't hold as much value as it did, say, 10-20 years ago. But, at the same time, it holds enough value that the idea of just tossing it in the trash hurts. Mainly because it's not exactly something that should be thrown in the trash. You can't exactly donate it. If I were in Japan, I'm sure I could find a place, but in the US, not so much. The Book Off, I believe in NYC stopped excepting Japanese CDs a few years ago, or so I heard. Not sure if that's true. So you're left with very few options. And that's where I currently find myself. Sell it? Find some place to donate it? or Trash/Recycle what I can and try not to feel bad about it while doing it.

But on a sunnier note. Media holds up well. I do like the books. Some of the older ones were nice, but it's all about photobooks now and that's not my jam. I'd say the acrylic stands, since they are small, but that's a not something I collected. I do enjoy my keychains and anything USEFUL. I got quite a few coffee mugs. I'd never get rid of those. :D And a few dozen t-shirts. Useful everyday items are much nicer to have than stuff that's just going to sit on a shelf and collect dust.

Yeah, that sounds about how I imagined it would be :grin: Some merch is useful and I probably would enjoy having it around long-term. Getting rid of stuff the right way can take a fair bit of time and consideration. One of my clutter problems is books, even though I don't read much these days. It's weird how they take on value.

Sorry about the uncle.
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Re: Random Thread ~Usagi-Chan ☮ Tūtū~

Postby Amped » Fri Jul 21, 2023 2:36 am

Duck and Vinyl records in San Francisco
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Re: Random Thread ~Usagi-Chan ☮ Tūtū~

Postby erilaz » Fri Jul 21, 2023 3:00 am

^ Amoeba on Haight Street! I've been there many, many times. They used to have an excellent J-pop section back in the day, especially when Gabe was in charge of it, but it's just pitiful now.
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Postby Zunu » Fri Jul 21, 2023 2:21 pm

^^ That duck is pretty chill but she's clearly a smart-aleck, look at that smirk.
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Re: Random Thread ~Usagi-Chan ☮ Tūsurī~

Postby rikkikow » Thu Jul 27, 2023 2:14 am

My latest crow idea. Owl sounds did squat using my iPhone speaker. Can't wait to try this out today.

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Using bluetooth and a bluetooth speaker to get a very loud volume. Should be better than clapping my hands which scares then off my roof but hurts my hands. :lol:

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Re: Random Thread ~Usagi-Chan ☮ Tūsurī~

Postby boinsie » Thu Jul 27, 2023 2:27 am

Can I ask, what do the crows do that bothers you enough to want to scare them away? To me, a loud banging sound every 15 mins or whatever would be super obnoxious.

Are they damaging your roof?
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Re: Random Thread ~Usagi-Chan ☮ Tūsurī~

Postby Zunu » Thu Jul 27, 2023 2:35 am

My money is on rikkikow being part owl

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Re: Random Thread ~Usagi-Chan ☮ Tūsurī~

Postby rikkikow » Thu Jul 27, 2023 2:45 am

boinsie wrote:Can I ask, what do the crows do that bothers you enough to want to scare them away? To me, a loud banging sound every 15 mins or whatever would be super obnoxious.

Are they damaging your roof?

I would only do it when I hear them on my roof which isn't everyday. Just when they want to sharpen their beaks.
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