Question: "Absolute ○○ Declaration" Please put words you'd like in place of the ◯◯.Ocha Norma
Saito MadokaAbsolute Madopi Declaration
Hiromoto RuliAbsolute Dance Club Declaration
The first time I went to a Hello! Project live,
I got all emotional over how cool they were.
I've always hoped that I'd some day dance in it too!
Ishiguri Kanami"Absolute Life-long Eating Like Crazy Declaration"
In my life the moment that makes me happiest is, apart from idol activities,
eating~, so until this life is finished with me,
I want to keep eating my fill of my favorite things!
By the way, the foods I think I could eat forever are "omurice", "ramen", and "pudding" ♡
Yonemura Kirara"Absolute Claw Games up to 5 Times Declaration"
Kubota NanamiAbsolute Cuteness Declaration
Tashiro SumireIt's "Absolute Becoming Cute Declaration".
Since becoming cuter is linked with a high degree of confidence for me,
I'm going with "Absolute Becoming Cute Declaration"!
Nakayama Natsume"Absolute Pro Wrestling Declaration"
I won't lose in my pro wrestling love. I've loved it
since I was in elementary school. From now on,
I want to talk about my pro wrestling love
with lots more people, and continue to spread the word about it.
I also want to learn a lot more about pro wrestling,
and work hard so that I'll some day be able to do work related to pro wrestling.
Nishizaki Miku・ Absolute I'll Appear in a TV Show Declaration
・ Absolute Let's do an OCHA NORMA Budoukan Live Declaration
Kitahara Momo"Absolute 'Breaking Out of My Shell' Declaration"
The OCHA NORMA members tell me "You're really funny and interesting, but it doesn't show!" I want to lay bare my mischief-making, and become someone who's loved.
Tsutsui RokoAbsolute Growth Declaration
Though my face also, I hope that inside I'll be able to become more mature.
220212 ハロー!Q&A
Q.「絶対○○宣言」 ○○に好きな言葉を入れてください。
斉藤円香 絶対まどぴ宣言
広本瑠璃 絶対ダンス部宣言
石栗奏美 「絶対一生食べまくり宣言」
米村姫良々 「絶対UFOキャッチャー5回まで宣言」
窪田七海 絶対かわいい宣言
田代すみれ 「絶対かわいくなる宣言」です。
中山夏月姫 「絶対プロレス宣言」
西崎美空 ・絶対テレビ番組に出る宣言
・絶対OCHA NORMA皆で単独武道館行こう宣言
北原もも 「絶対“殻を破る”宣言」
OCHA NORMAのメンバーからは、本当は面白いのに出せていない!
筒井澪心 絶対成長する宣言