Question: A new national holiday is being added! What holiday would you make?
Tsubaki Factory
Yamagishi Riko
Make Tsubaki Factory's major debut day into a holiday!!
Niinuma Kisora
I'd make a "You've Worked Hard Day" once each month!
It's a holiday to celebrate everyone for working hard this month too!
Tanimoto Ami
I'd want to make my birthday 11/16 "Good Color (ii iro = 11 16) Day"!
Kishimoto Yumeno
Style Day
I'd make a day with a feel of like fashion week!
It'd be a day for everyone to wear their respective favorite clothes and recognize each other's styles.
With your individuality being recognized, you'll come to love yourself more too!
Asakura Kiki
5/3 Charlie's birth festival
Since I want to be with him please make it real!
Ono Mizuho
3/24 would be Mizuho Day ♡
Onoda Saori
Saori Day. I want to make Saori's birthday a day to eat lots of snacks.
Akiyama Mao
Steak Day
Kasai Yuumi
Citizens' Appreciation Day
Yagi Shiori
I'd make 8/9 Yagi Day!
Fukuda Marine
Noodle Day
Yofuu Runo
It's Listen to Music Day!