To be aired in the late-night drama slot "Mizudora"! An original drama based on the idea of the popular app game "Cinderella Nine in August", titled "Hachigatsu wa Yoru no Batting Center de." (a.k.a. Hachinai). It is a new kind of "baseball human drama" that will start on July 7th, starring Nagisa Sekimizu in her first starring role in a TV drama and the talented actor Toru Nakamura.
Eight gorgeous actresses, all of whom are talented, make an appearance!
The drama takes place in a batting center in Tokyo. Mai Natsuha, a 17-year-old high school girl played by Sekimizu, who has a part-time job during her summer vacation, and a former professional baseball player played by Nakamura, who says he can tell what kind of problems a person is having just by the swing of the bat. He leads the "troubled women" who show up at the batting center each time with a solution, comparing "life theory" to "baseball theory."
The guest cast members who will appear in episodes 1 to 8 as the "troubled women" have now been decided! Itaya Yuka, Kinami Haruka, Satou Hitomi, Takeda Rena, Fukagawa Mai, Hotta Akane, Yamazaki Yuhane, and Yamashita Rio (in alphabetical order) have gathered together to make up the cast!
Work, family, relationships... the worries of "eight different people" are all real events that anyone, regardless of gender, can relate to. What kind of answers will these women find at the batting center? We will portray the changes in the hearts of these eight women through the theory of baseball.
"Life is Baseball".
An unprecedented "Life is Baseball" drama from a unique baseball-loving duo
"Hachigatsu wa Yoru no Batting Center de."
A drama that will liven up this summer
It's about a month until "Hachinai" starts!