Re: ANGERME ONLY ONE Audition ~Watashi wo Tsukuru no wa Watashi~ - Three 9th Generation Members Revealed!
Sat Jan 16, 2021 6:01 pm
I feel so bad that the new members aren't able to have their full first experiences because of COVID. No full crowds, no fan chants/calls to play with, fewer concerts in general.
Re: ANGERME ONLY ONE Audition ~Watashi wo Tsukuru no wa Watashi~ - Three 9th Generation Members Revealed!
Fri Jan 22, 2021 3:17 am
OMAKE Channel 1.21.21
ANGERME new members Kawana Rin, Tamenaga Shion and Matsumoto Wakana's recent activity update and New Year's resolutions! with Ise Layla
It's been three months since the announcement of the new members on November 2nd last year, and we've asked the three new members to write down their recent activities and New Year's resolutions! This time, Ise Layla will be the moderator and will ask them about their activities.
~ Narin-chan is working being closer friends with her gen mates Tamenaga Shion and Matsumoto Wakana. Her New Years resolution is to keep improving herself. ~ Shion-chan is hoping receive some "Western style clothing" hand me down clothes, from her admired senior Kawamura Ayano. ANGERME members love offering up their clothes to the younger members. She wants to learn new things this year. ~ Wakana wants to keep being noticed by her seniors. She wants to start talking to her seniors by herself. ~ Every since her "Night Routine" at home video, Layla has been given advice by Funaki. Layla wants to continue aiming to be a "Laylapi Type Girl" (#れらぴ系女子) and hopes her fan will keeping following her and become one too. Funaki made up this word "Laylapi Type Girl" is a girl who goes cafe hopping and does girly stuff at home like Layla
Re: ANGERME ONLY ONE Audition ~Watashi wo Tsukuru no wa Watashi~ - Three 9th Generation Members Revealed!
Thu Jan 28, 2021 10:27 pm
^^ Just got around to watching that. Layla’s great. She has such a relaxed and natural camera presence. Wakana sort of reminds me of how Hermione looked in the first HP movie.
Re: ANGERME ONLY ONE Audition ~Watashi wo Tsukuru no wa Watashi~ - Three 9th Generation Members Revealed!
Thu Feb 04, 2021 2:35 am
Nayoko-Kihara wrote:This comparison really captures both what similarity there is between these two, and just how baby Wakana somehow still seems (her 13 vs Airi at 9).