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Re: The H!P Musings/Rants Thread

Fri Oct 09, 2020 3:50 pm

Good on Yumeno for posting such an endearing blog post. It’s a step very much in the right direction and really puts things into a better perspective. Let’s hope that the group continues to heal from this in a positive way.

Re: The H!P Musings/Rants Thread

Fri Oct 09, 2020 5:13 pm

Some insight as to the timing of this announcement and the actual leaks:

Up Front usually waits until 22:00 on Fridays to post news like this, but there's a reason they did it Thursday this time.
She had scheduled 1-on-1 online talk events with many of her fans on Friday (today), and it would have probably been really bad for that event to go ahead without addressing this scandal first.

It would have been the first time for her personally interacting with her fans since the leaks started. The next event she had scheduled after that was at a H!P concert in Okinawa on Oct 11.

The first set of leaks came out soon after they were done all the single release events where they interacted with fans (limista net sign events, etc), and her last performance in front of a live audience on Sept 22 at the H!P concert in Osaka. The second set of leaks which focused mostly on her gripes with management and her fellow Tsubaki members came out only a few hours after the Niconico livestream release event ended. Whoever leaked this stuff seems like they timed the leaks to try and cause damage to Risamaru (and force her to quit), while trying to limit damage to Tsubaki and their scheduled activities (well... kinda, except for Kiki and Saorin). Who are (were?) the 38 people following her private insta? Which one of them leaked all her private posts?

More at: http://www.hello-online.org/index.php?/ ... try2146334

Re: The H!P Musings/Rants Thread

Fri Oct 09, 2020 5:25 pm

Thoughts and whatnot.

Spoiler: show
Emotional ranting and assumptions definitely explains why some of it seemed ridiculous/illogical. On the one hand I'm glad UF/Nishi understand that human shit happens, on the other Risa definitely took things a little far into some really poor decisions. Maybe my perspective is off but I feel like someone her age, growing up in the time she has, should know that anything and everything online is public even if it's "private" (and don't let anyone follow your private rant account?)

Assumptions about people & situations you aren't experiencing usually aren't worth repeating anyway, moreso if you're in the public eye. I hope she does reflect, and the rest of the members aren't too hurt/angry to forgive in time. I also hope she considers a written journal, just for herself, as one of her emotional outlets.

I have to imagine both "Situations" (Oota/Ogata) are 100% going to be used as hardline examples for current members and KSS.

Jessi wrote:Good on Yumeno for posting such an endearing blog post.

aerosuffly wrote:I just really really hope that Ogata and the members get the mental health support that they need.
Sohee wrote:I'd hope that UF (who are usually pretty good at these things) make sure to look after their girls during trying times (as well as "normal times" tbh).

Zunu wrote:Which leads me to think that if the movie were ever made again, instead of a notebook she would have an anonymous Twitter or something. :wait:
They did do a (terrible) for TV remake in 2010. She was a stalker with a blog.
Last edited by Nayoko-Kihara on Fri Oct 09, 2020 5:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: The H!P Musings/Rants Thread

Fri Oct 09, 2020 5:27 pm

I don't give a damn with this insight garbage. That person on H!O is disgusting as the people who leak it.

Re: The H!P Musings/Rants Thread

Fri Oct 09, 2020 6:27 pm

Ono Mizuho

Ogata Risa.
Has decided to take a break.

For all the fun we had with Oga-chan.
I don't think there was a lie.

I believe that all Tsubaki Factory members
love and care about each other.

Oga-chan is working hard somewhere.
I'll do my best.
What the eight of us can do now.
We want to do the best we can.

We're going to continue to be a part of it.
I would be grateful if you could watch over us.

https://ameblo.jp/tsubaki-factory/entry ... 24324.html

Niinuma Kisora
https://ameblo.jp/tsubaki-factory/entry ... 27284.html

Re: The H!P Musings/Rants Thread

Fri Oct 09, 2020 6:56 pm

OMG Yumeno, you're so sweet :)
The blog post was something fans need now.

she's pretty, unique, and funny. I saw some other member interviewes, Yumeno is liked by other Tsubaki's members and other group as well, due to her unique personality. My love for Yumeno is growing more and more..

Re: The H!P Musings/Rants Thread

Fri Oct 09, 2020 7:29 pm

Amped wrote:I don't give a damn with this insight garbage. That person on H!O is disgusting as the people who leak it.

In the grand scheme of things does it matter?

I’m not on anyone’s side but it’s obvious that she brought herself to this situation.
Yes people that leak are terrible beings but if she doesn’t want people to find out, she shouldn’t write on social media (does no one learn these lessons?)

And as a professional, regardless of what profession, one doesn’t publicize those things. This is when as an idol business, they sell a very specific image. And she chose to break that image.
However, people make mistakes and I hope she and the members figure it out

Maybe fans should be glad at least the agency chose to allow her to think about this, and the group doesn’t seem to want to force her out either. (Although the two she spread rumors on are either posting bland comment or not even commenting at all yet)

I was hoping Tsubaki will not go same fate as Kobushi... let’s hope it won’t

Re: The H!P Musings/Rants Thread

Fri Oct 09, 2020 11:19 pm

Looking at this purely from a professional standpoint, the treatment is correct and deserved. One of the first things people told me and i was taught when I entered the job market was to leave social media and workplace separate. If something comes out through your social media, you're done for. It's a very common thing to happen. Ogata-san isn't a kid, she's almost the same age as me (two years younger) and this is definitely something she should know, ESPECIALLY working under a huge organization like Hello! Project. I'm sure from now on (if not already) H!P is going to have some sort of "social media training", no doubt.

Looking at it from a personal perspective, I agree with all of you guys above and hope she gets some much needed help in this low point, I think most of us have been there at one point or another.

Re: The H!P Musings/Rants Thread

Sat Oct 10, 2020 12:19 am

Personal thoughts under the cut. It was a lot for me to process

Spoiler: show
Initially, when I read what had happened, I felt really hurt by it. Not hurt by Risa, or Tsubaki, but just by the situation itself. They're the group I loved ever since that first 17-Sai performance, and up until this day I buy their music, hang up their posters, towels ect. Emotionally, they have always been my comfort. So I had this idea in my head of this perfectly harmonious group. I realize now that I was just looking through rose colored glasses. However, after the initial shock I got to think about what happened and definitely have more understanding towards it.

This whole situation is unfortunate and concerning. Everyone has frustrations, but given these current stressful circumstances there's no surprise it boiled over, and became too much for at least one person. It's totally fine if she felt angry, or even if she wanted to rant! But her having a private Instagram in which she chose to post those feelings on was a terrible mistake, and it could've been avoided had she just spoken to someone about it in private, even her colleagues. Whether they can become BFFs isn't what's important, all that I sincerely hope is that they can work through this together and rebuild a healthy relationship without any sort of hostile environment. I especially hope that she gets help. If she's as distressed as she seems then my heart goes out to her. There's been so many times where I was in such a bad mental place that literally everyone and everything pissed me off, especially my close friends and family. So with that in mind, I want to believe that it can get better for her.

Yumeno's blog especially touched me. There's many reasons why she's my oshi, and her way with words is just one of them. She managed to say such mature and reassuring things during a time when fans are losing their minds, myself included. Huge respect to her.

Maybe after all this mayhem calms down and life becomes a bit more normal we can see Tsubaki Factory doing their first hall tour as 9 members.
It'd be such a happy milestone


Unfortunate, sad and disappointing. My hope is that actions are made for Tsubaki Factory, especially Risa to properly heal and grow from the events that occurred. I want to see them perform as a 9 member group again if possible. Her stepping away was the right thing, especially if she's suffering mentally. I wish them all the best (with lots of love)

Re: The H!P Musings/Rants Thread

Sat Oct 10, 2020 1:07 am

Amped wrote:Upfront would like thank everyone who participated in Tsubaki Factory's cheki events on 7/20, 7/26, 7/29, 7/30 in COTTON CLUB and Bellesalle Shibuya Garden. The staff at those venues were responsible for submitting contact tracing information conducted at those events. One month has passed since those events and they got back zero coronavirus infections reported from public health centers. Therefore, they will dispose of that information now. They like to thank everyone who participated in the events and their cooperation in preventing the spread of the coronavirus.

A few months has passed since Tsubaki Factory's events on 8/9, 8/10 and 9/5 (Toshimaen Amusement park - outdoor venue mini live) were held and they got back reported zero coronavirus infections from public health centers. The tracking sheets will now be disposed of.
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