Hello! Dream episode 25 9.21.20
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Up4y1a7hAhttps://miomio.us/harodori200921.html- This week, Hello Dream has provided a lot footage from Kenshuusei's lessons and interviews. Kenshuusei begin practicing for their live performance in front of fans for the first time in 9 months. The recital is on September 20th~22nd.
- It has been one year since 30th gen members joined Kenshuusei in August 2019. They begin by asking how they feel about returning to the stage.
~ Ebata Kisaki wants to show everyone how much she has learned and improved.
~ Murakoshi is nervous about returning. She will practice hard.
~ Yofuu can't wait to meet the fans again.
- Not long ago on September 5th, Mitsubachi-sensei is in the studio and gathered all the Kenshuusei who are at home, and wanted to experiment doing dance lessons remotely through zoom video. Mitsubachi-sensei was trying to get things organized using her giant iPad, but they ran into some technical difficulties like volume control, video delays, and screens were too small to see everyone. After that, they get going with their daily stretches and vocal lessons with Ueno-sensei. Uemura, Hashida, Nishizaki said doing the remote lessons for first time were okay.
- One week later on September 12th, Kenshuusei return to the studio for vocal lessons. They start practicing their scales and then their songs they will be performing. Hirayama and Yonemura are practicing "46okunen LOVE" and Ueno-sensei says Hirayama's rhythm beat is a bit off. In the interview, Hirayama admits her voice is good, but her rhythm still needs work.
- Tamenaga, Hiromoto, and Kitahara practice making voice stay on key when singing "Nen ni wa nen". Hiromoto wants to keep practicing it. Kitahara has to bring in more power from her belly to get better at singing, not just from her throat.
Tsubaki Factory's DanshaISM and Ima Nanji? MVs CMs play
- The next day, Kenshuusei are all together in studio wearing their masks, warming up and stretching for dance lessons. Nakayama, Onoda, and Yofuu start their lessons for Jidanda Dance with Mitsubach-sensei watching. Yofuu asks a question, "What is the correct facial expressions for this performance? Is it to look cool or to look like your having fun?" Mitsubachi gives a long lecture and advice about what Juice=Juice does when they perform this song.
- Kenshuusei unit start their dance lessons with their song "Mistake". After, Mitsubachi calls them in for a sit-down talk. They let out their opinions to her and suggest what she be done for the song.
- Next, more clips of small groups of Kenshuusei going through a practice run of their songs on the setlist and helping each other. After lessons are over, Mitsubachi gathers them for a meeting and gives her closing thoughts. She praises Ebata Kisaki for doing well during practice. Tamenaga also did well. Then comes her scolding comments and long lecture for the others. She wants everyone to keep their stamina up. Since they had lack of lessons for a long time, their muscle strength, mental strength and concentration has declined. She wants them figure out how to discipline themselves.
- At the end, Hello Dream asks the Kenshuusei to express how they feel, what they look forward to about performing a Kenshuusei live performance in front of everyone.
~ Yonemura wants to feel the energy again and see everyone's faces cheering them.
~ Ishiguri wants go out there and have fun with everyone again.
~ Since it's been 9 months since their last performance, Kubota is super looking forward to performing in front of the fans again.
~ Saito is looking forward to showing everyone their maximum performance. Even it will be hard to see the fan's smiles when they are sitting, she wants them to have fun.
~ Nakayama looks forward to being on stage again, performing the songs together with the members.
~ Yamada wants to have fun performing the songs and showing the fans how much she has improved.
~ Onoda wants to show everyone how much she has grown.
~ Matsubara wants everyone to look forward to her performance
~ Tamenaga wants to have fun in the live performance and show everyone that everything will be okay.
Tsubaki Factory's DanshaISM and Ima Nanji? MVs CMs play again
Next week, we'll see footage of their live performances from the recital
Ending theme is Tsubaki Factory's new single "DanshaISM" MV