Morning Musume cover album COVER YOU [11/26] (cover added!)

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Re: Morning Musume cover album COVER YOU [11/26] (cover added!)

Postby Chatin » Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:20 am

Reina's live performance can be a mixed bag at times, but the quality of her voice is one of the few in the group that is worthy of lead. I love Risa's voice, but having her lead MM songs would change the entire mood of the group. Reina has a Maki-esque quality.
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Re: Morning Musume cover album COVER YOU [11/26] (cover added!)

Postby reinaislove » Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:53 am

I like the covers but at first glance I thought it was berryz not MM :D Reina is front because she has a large fan base (and tsunku has called her the ideal MM member) not because she can sing/can't sing. For me half of the MM members can't sing Ai-chan is the only one who is stable with her voice and is consistent ever performance. Risa can sing very well but it depends on the song and her voice gets manly at times. Reina has issues with getting tired way to easy and getting a high pitched tone. Sayu/Jun they both are ok they don't really have that good of a voice. Eri/Mitsui both of them usually are ok. Koharu can't sing at all. Lin Lin is stable but her voice gets higher than Reina's which is annoying.
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Re: Morning Musume cover album COVER YOU [11/26] (cover added!)

Postby FeelMyMind » Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:02 am

I'm not a big fan of the cover actually, but I have a feeling I will love the songs and that is what counts.

On the other hand Eri been looking different lately (not bad different, just different)
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Re: Morning Musume cover album COVER YOU [11/26] (cover added!)

Postby MiserableBastard » Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:21 am

Amped wrote:Reina can sing. she is amazing. :!:

x2 :inlove:

Cover is horrible.

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Re: Morning Musume cover album COVER YOU [11/26] (cover added!)

Postby Naomi » Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:37 am

The cover's okay, but I'd like it more if Reina wasn't in the center. :fear: (Reina's in the center all of the time lately, that I'd prefer Takahashi to be in the center and I like Reina more than her. XD)
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Re: Morning Musume cover album COVER YOU [11/26] (cover added!)

Postby Amped » Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:25 pm

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Re: Morning Musume cover album COVER YOU [11/26] (cover added!)

Postby Nono » Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:25 pm

Wow it must of been a huge week for DVD releases? Usually around 5k is enough to get top 10.
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Re: Morning Musume cover album COVER YOU [11/26] (cover added!)

Postby Rikku004 » Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:40 pm

who the frick cares if Reina's in front or not by now? she's been close to the front in almost every single/cover recently. That's not new. By now should we even bring it up? The fact is, we'll eventually see all the girls in the booklet fully, so does it matter anymore that AiReinaKoharu are in front? It's not like Reinai are going to be leading every dern song. plus by now i end up looking at everyone else XD. it's nto difficult to move your eyes up.

That's like AKB fans whining over the fact that Acchan/Kojiharu/Takaminax2/Saeyaka are usually in front or leading most major singles. They're the ACES. but people still get their other girls from concerts/sometimes in PVs (sometimes they don't even get half a second of screentime in a PV)/fan events/PBs/tvshows/stageplays, BUT THEY STILL LOVE THE GROUP! we get all that + more with our 9, but we still b*tch because Reina is edited a few cms bigger than JunJun. get the frick over it. when it comes down to it, does it have ANY effect on the album itself? not at all.

anyway the cover looks fantastic. the outfits look fun and funky fresh. their hairstyles look good from what i see. finally, we get one cover than looks decent and people are still b*tching. well, it can't be helped, i suppose.

all this makes me miss a voice of reason. like Mugen. :D

it kinda does make me upset they didn't use new recording versions....oh well.
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Re: Morning Musume cover album COVER YOU [11/26] (cover added!)

Postby Naomi » Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:55 pm

Rikku004 wrote:That's like AKB fans whining over the fact that Acchan/Kojiharu/Takaminax2/Saeyaka are usually in front or leading most major singles. They're the ACES. but people still get their other girls from concerts/sometimes in PVs (sometimes they don't even get half a second of screentime in a PV)/fan events/PBs/tvshows/stageplays, BUT THEY STILL LOVE THE GROUP! we get all that + more with our 9, but we still b*tch because Reina is edited a few cms bigger than JunJun. get the frick over it.

Whoever said they hated Morning Musume because Reina was in the center? Sure, it's annoying having the same girls lead a song or be in the center, but I don't remember anyone saying they hated the group because of it. :^)
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Re: Morning Musume cover album COVER YOU [11/26] (cover added!)

Postby Rikku004 » Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:59 pm

ah when i meant 'love the group" i meant, 'don't really care'. :D

but anyway, it's an album, so we don't have to worry about if Reina sings like Mariah in all the songs because it's a HIGH chance she won't be singing all the songs. in the concert we're heard that Linlin has a big lead for the Koi no Dial 6700 song.

i do get annoyed Reina gets like everything. but she has a presence that few other members are willing to present. she fights for it. surely it didn't seem that way when she automatically got lead for Shabondama, but besides Sayu (who also gets featured quite a bit with her shouting and catch phrases...which end up being pretty significant in the long run) some other members aren't doing much to get themselves out there.

Look at tv appearances for instance. Reina and sometimes Sayu and Ai are running their mouths. If you want that attention, you're gonna have to fight. That's what the OGs did. people like Risa and Eri have absolutely no problem keeping hidden or latching on to someone instead of projecting themselves. another special case... and the rest of the 8th gen is like whateva. also, I think Tsunku is beginning to take an interest in Aika because he's giving her song solos now. on their 9th album, she has a brand new solo. But its still about fighting for that attention.

sometimes it's not as simple as that. i think Makoto had the 4th gen personality, just stuck with the lackluster 5th gen girls. and no matter how outgoing, she still graduated without much to her MM career. But evenso, I'd like to see more from people like Eri, Risa, JunJun, Aika, LinLin before I say they deserve a front seat spot.
Last edited by Rikku004 on Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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