Kobushi Factory's Taguchi Natsumi has been dismissed from Kobushi Factory & H!P (12/6/17)

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Re: Kobushi Factory's Taguchi Natsumi has been dismissed from Kobushi Factory & H!P (12/6/17)

Postby Amped » Thu Dec 07, 2017 1:20 pm

Kobushi Factory profile pics updated
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Re: Kobushi Factory's Taguchi Natsumi has been dismissed from Kobushi Factory & H!P (12/6/17)

Postby Denki » Thu Dec 07, 2017 1:23 pm

It looks like a planned departure to me. Unless they had a photoshoot within these past 4 days for Hello!Con.
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Re: Kobushi Factory's Taguchi Natsumi has been dismissed from Kobushi Factory & H!P (12/6/17)

Postby Amped » Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:05 pm

Amped wrote:H!P Leader Wada Ayaka trying to remain positive after Taguchi's leave
https://ameblo.jp/angerme-ayakawada/ent ... 03048.html

Become Flowers That Announce the Spring

There was an announcement yesterday。

It was about Kobushi Factory’s Taguchi Natsumi-chan、
but it’s unfortunate coming from a comrade of mine from the same Hello! Project as well as our same Kenshuusei home。

Since we’re human each of us are different people、
but we’re doing activities in Hello! Project as a path we chose ourselves。
With that responsibility and consciousness、we must stand on stage and be properly self-aware as members chasing all our different dreams。
I hope all the Hello! Project members will once again focus our minds and work hard。

Though things continue to be rough for Kobushi Factory、when everyone sings together their voices are so strong and clear。
Seeing everyone like that makes me want to support everyone myself, as a member of that same Hello! Project。

https://ameblo.jp/angerme-ayakawada/ent ... 03048.html
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Re: Kobushi Factory's Taguchi Natsumi has been dismissed from Kobushi Factory & H!P (12/6/17)

Postby AyuHikaru » Thu Dec 07, 2017 3:34 pm

boinsie wrote:I'm sad she's gone. It really looked like they were going to just ignore the boyfriend photos, but evidently there's more going on...
I'm conflicted as to what to feel about this whole thing. Obviously the Kobushi girls that have been dismissed aren't without blame (and maybe even wanted out, who knows--it's hard when they sign such long contracts as children), but management has also handled this very poorly. And as Chatin pointed out, the aggressive tone of the official announcements was really uncalled for. Even if Taguchi was being an irresponsible git, the management company shouldn't be throwing her under the bus this way. If this is the tone they're taking with their official announcement, what are they saying to the girls behind closed doors?

There has to be more to it. UFA is well known for just ignoring boyfriend pictures (unless its too high profile like Mari and Miki), I would love to be a fly on the wall just to know what else was going on.

I can see some of the new girls from the audition or KSS being added later, we'll have to see. I do want to see how they do as 5nin for a bit though
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Re: Kobushi Factory's Taguchi Natsumi has been dismissed from Kobushi Factory & H!P (12/6/17)

Postby Starra » Thu Dec 07, 2017 5:54 pm

My guess is that she was letting it interfere with her work. UF seem to be okay with boyfriends so long as they keep them separate from their job. And when you're a teenager that's not always the easiest thing in the world to do, lol. Maybe she promised she'd be better about things (rehearsals, keeping things private, whatever it may have been) and didn't fulfil those promises. Taguchi was also still good friends with Ogawa and Fujii, so that might've potentially caused issues with her and the other Kobushi members. But who knows. I feel bad for the girls who aren't involved in this mess if anything.

UF at least seems to try with girls and give them second chances, rather than just going "lol bye bitch" immediately, but I guess they can't afford to keep doing that again and again...

Also, re: Miki: from what I remember, they were going to give her a pass, but she was asked about it on a radio show (by Sanma, maybe?) and she was like "yep dat's me lol" and quit. At that point she was probably trying to get out of MM。rather than anything else lol.
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Re: Kobushi Factory's Taguchi Natsumi has been dismissed from Kobushi Factory & H!P (12/6/17)

Postby Amped » Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:15 am

Yajima Maimi's comments about Kobushi
Good afternoon‼︎

Yesterday、 it was announced that Taguchi Natsumi-chan would be withdrawing from Kobushi Factory、 a group made up of my juniors、、

The group has ended up with 5 members。

Honestly、 I’m worried about the 5 of them。。。

For a group、 each and every member really plays a huge role、
Each member is irreplaceable、
So to lose members、 it must leave them feeling extremely worried、 extremely sad、 extremely frustrated。

And I’m sure that it goes the same for the fans as well、、、。

Looking at the blog updates from the members、
They’ve already set their sights straight ahead。
However、 I think that inside、 they must be waging war with an earth-shattering feeling of unease、、、。

I’ve gone through similar experiences myself。

However、 the support we got from everyone who was cheering us on really gave me strength at the time。
There were people who told us ‘Let’s do our best together‼︎’、
There were people who didn’t give up on us、 who believed in us、、、

And I remember strongly thinking that I’d have to make sure that I would return the favour someday‼︎

Just like how we were back then、
For those girls right now、
All your cheers will really provide them with reassuring support、、、。

I beseech you、 please believe in the future of those girls。
Please become companions who will overcome the sadness and uneasiness with them。

I witnessed the very moment
That Kobushi Factory was formed。
I wish that the feelings those girls had at the time will never disappear、 that feeling of embracing their brilliant future。

Dreams aren’t things that are easily obtained。
Along the way、 there may be plenty of temptations、 there may be plenty of times when one feels like running away、

However、 at those times, I hope they recall how they felt at the very beginning、 and I want them to remember that there are people who are giving them their utmost support、 there are people who are cheering them on towards those dreams。

For the sake of the people who have followed along until now、
For the sake of your own selves、 for the sake of the group、、、
I want you to show the underlying strength of Kobushi Factory。

Please become a strong, resilient group that’s gone through all sorts of experiences。
Since seeing the sights that lay beyond that、 together with the companions who have surmounted it with you、 it’s definitely the greatest feeling ever‼︎‼︎‼︎

Good luck! Don’t lose! Kobushi Factory‼︎


Kobushi members reactions

Wada Sakurako

Nomura Minami

Inoue Rei

Hirose Ayaka again
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Re: Kobushi Factory's Taguchi Natsumi has been dismissed from Kobushi Factory & H!P (12/6/17)

Postby Amped » Fri Dec 08, 2017 3:34 pm

Amped wrote:Yesterday at Shinjuku ReNY, it was the finale of Kobushi Factory's live tour ~Songs For You~ 12/2/17

Totsugeki Mou Icchou
https://twitter.com/totsugeki55/status/ ... 6205489152
https://twitter.com/totsugeki55/status/ ... 5133795328

Next week is Kobushi Factory's 1st Bus Tour

Totsugeki Mou Icchou show's staff got word of Taguchi's contract ending. Totsugeki Mou Icchou's Nakajima send this one last photo to staff with Taguchi from the show. The show's got a recording tomorrow so they have much to talk about.
https://twitter.com/totsugeki55/status/ ... 0289874945
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Re: Kobushi Factory's Taguchi Natsumi has been dismissed from Kobushi Factory & H!P (12/6/17)

Postby Nayoko-Kihara » Fri Dec 08, 2017 4:51 pm

Denki wrote:It looks like a planned departure to me. Unless they had a photoshoot within these past 4 days for Hello!Con.
Now we know it's from the shoot for their bus tour goods (which I imagine took place at least a couple of weeks back?)
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Re: Kobushi Factory's Taguchi Natsumi has been dismissed from Kobushi Factory & H!P (12/6/17)

Postby Amped » Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:06 pm

It looks like Hamaura Ayano chose to not say anything about Taguchi. She said reading Yajima Maimi's blog entry made her happy.
https://ameblo.jp/kobushi-factory/entry ... 59614.html
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Re: Kobushi Factory's Taguchi Natsumi has been dismissed from Kobushi Factory & H!P (12/6/17)

Postby Denki » Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:35 pm

^^ and based on the "chain of events," my guess is that the discussion of leaving was already being made and they took photos with and without her.

I assume goods that aren't photos, such as keychains, microfiber towels, clearfiles, etc., take longer to make, sending the 6-nin version before they confirmed her status. It kinda reminds me how the summer hellocon still had some Fujii goods. :lol:
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