Exactly! Picking songs they NEVER get to sing is more fun than songs that have shown up in their setlists in the last few years. They gave us the COMPLETE Morning Musume catalog to choose from. The crazier and most obscure, the better. haha.
Mizuki says members were talking about the 20th anniversary event songs they want to hear. Mizuki wants to hear someone sing Pucchi Moni's "Baiseko Daiseiko!" and Makino Maria sing "Rainbow Pink". There are songs Mizuki wants to personally sing, but she wants to keep quiet about it because her fans will start voting for her songs. http://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-9ki/entr ... 01387.html
DARC1993 wrote:Cant believe it's 20th already, I became a fan when they had just gotten done celebrating the 10th anniversary of the group.
One of the things I wanted to buy when I started becoming fannish and collectorish was the recently published 5th anniversary photo book. Sometimes it seems like ages ago, sometimes it seems like only yesterday.
"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." — George Carlin