Sayuki Takagi, who just celebrated her 20th birthday looked forward to sharing Japanese festival culture through “Jidanda Dance” during their world tour while also vowing to be more careful after becoming an adult.
Regarding the upcoming world tour with dates in Mexico, United States, England, France, Germany, Malaysia, and Thailand, Karin Miyamoto expressed her desire to see a musical in the United States and try eating authentic French bread in France. Akari Uemura was more general, simply wishing that she would be able to do some sightseeing in each country. Sayuki Takagi specifically hoped that they would be able to take a photo at Abbey Road in the UK. Yuka Miyazaki wondered what the toothbrushes in the hotels overseas would be like. Tomoko Kanazawa recalled someone requesting an unusual souvenir from Mexico. ... 23057.html