Imagine if 13th gen consisted of both Kaede and Momohime .
I mean, Momohime's a real possibility. Kaede I don't have much hope for at this point but I still want her to debut. Momohime seems like one of the most likely to me.
My guesses, based on who I think are the most likely: Kokoro maybe, Kanatsu, Noguchi, Kotomi, Kirara, Momohime, Ayano, Yokoyama.
Who I would like the most: Kaede, Horie (though she might try out for UUG's 2nd gen thing in which case I'd prefer her in that), Kanatsu, Noguchi, Momohime, Rin (listen...).
Someone from Hokkaido KSS would also be welcomed, but I'm not sure if they're included under the "they're chosen from the KSS" statements... In which case Ryou or Mei, please.
Then again, I like all the KSS at this point (no, I'm not exaggerating), so it's nice to know that I'll end up liking 13th gen no matter who's chosen, probably. There are a couple of girls I'm iffy about but I'll take that over not liking any day of the week.
I kind of hope it's another 4-member gen. I know people don't want that many more members, but I want 15-member MM。again . Also someone will probably graduate next year (even Sakura joined over 4 years ago now)... Not that I want that, of course, but it's always something to keep in mind when thinking about new girls. Having only 1-2 wouldn't be enough imo, plus I don't really like the idea of 1-member gens much myself.