Morning Musume. '17 13th Generation : Kaga Kaede & Yokoyama Reina

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Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th Generation Auditions Restart : 13th gen chosen from H!P Kenshuusei

Postby 321BreakinOut » Thu Nov 24, 2016 1:47 am

AyuHikaru wrote:So for me I'm rooting for:
Kaga Kaede - That voice. THAT VOICE. Morning Musume is the strongest it's ever been vocally, she would be a strong addition.
Danbara Ruru - Another good singer, plus her look is so unique.
Ichioka Reina - she's such a fun personality, and her voice really took to the KSS Training.
Kiyono Momohime - She's almost 12 right? I usually don't root for younger girls, but I'm making an exception here. She's got this adorable look and she is not a bad singer AT ALL.

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Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th Generation Auditions Restart : 13th gen chosen from H!P Kenshuusei

Postby Kravius Pila » Thu Nov 24, 2016 1:47 am

Kodama Sakiko (dance) / Yamazaki Yuhane (vocal) / Kitagawa Ryo (visual) / Kiyono Momohime (vocal & dance)
Last edited by Kravius Pila on Thu Nov 24, 2016 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th Generation Auditions Restart : 13th gen chosen from H!P Kenshuusei

Postby Jessi » Thu Nov 24, 2016 1:52 am

Chibs wrote:It sounds like they were looking for that Goto Maki again and failed

I totally agree. 2 failed auditions? Thats never happened before! They must not be looking for many girls, but the one specific girl... and with Riho having left, I thinks its very much them looking for their next ace.

That said, I think someone like Momohime usually wouldn't be chosen. Yokoyama Reina seems like the usual Morning Musume type, someone who may have a lot of hidden talent, but hasn't blossomed just yet. But Momohime would be an automatic ace and have a fan base, and sometimes thats what MM is looking for (think Miki Fujimoto, Koharu despite what you may feel about her etc) Takase Kurumi seems like a good middle ground with some of that ace quality and hidden talent. This is why these three are my top three.

For Ruru, its a matter of me thinking the reason she may have been failing in the past was due to Riho. Her already being a singing and dance ace from Hiroshima from the same dance school none the less. I've found it strange that she hasn't been added to a new group like Tsubaki and wasn't put in Kobushi etc. So maybe they've been saving her for the right moment to put her in MM? And Maybe with Riho now absent she will be chosen.

But then again there may be something else with Ruru, a weakness I'm not seeing that has been really holding her up and she just hasn't overcome it. I used to think it was an age thing, but they've put some young girls in Tsubaki and I no longer think that makes any sense.

Any thoughts on Ruru??
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Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th Generation Auditions Restart : 13th gen chosen from H!P Kenshuusei

Postby Solarblade » Thu Nov 24, 2016 2:18 am

Maybe Ruru is like Sakura where a lot of wota just don't find her cute? I don't know, but I agree on wondering why she keeps being passed up

If it was me, my choices would be Hikarun, Ruru, Momohime, and Kizuki...but I could see some of the now popular KSS being chosen too...they need some singing talent though at least.
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Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th Generation Auditions Restart : 13th gen chosen from H!P Kenshuusei

Postby keaine » Thu Nov 24, 2016 2:30 am

Jessi wrote:
Chibs wrote:It sounds like they were looking for that Goto Maki again and failed

I totally agree. 2 failed auditions? Thats never happened before! They must not be looking for many girls, but the one specific girl... and with Riho having left, I thinks its very much them looking for their next ace.

That said, I think someone like Momohime usually wouldn't be chosen. Yokoyama Reina seems like the usual Morning Musume type, someone who may have a lot of hidden talent, but hasn't blossomed just yet. But Momohime would be an automatic ace and have a fan base, and sometimes thats what MM is looking for (think Miki Fujimoto, Koharu despite what you may feel about her etc) Takase Kurumi seems like a good middle ground with some of that ace quality and hidden talent. This is why these three are my top three.

For Ruru, its a matter of me thinking the reason she may have been failing in the past was due to Riho. Her already being a singing and dance ace from Hiroshima from the same dance school none the less. I've found it strange that she hasn't been added to a new group like Tsubaki and wasn't put in Kobushi etc. So maybe they've been saving her for the right moment to put her in MM? And Maybe with Riho now absent she will be chosen.

But then again there may be something else with Ruru, a weakness I'm not seeing that has been really holding her up and she just hasn't overcome it. I used to think it was an age thing, but they've put some young girls in Tsubaki and I no longer think that makes any sense.

Any thoughts on Ruru??

Relying solely on auditions and new members to add novelty to the group is, I think, a huge mistake. Nowadays, idol groups have to keep momentum as much as possible. With a single every three or four months, you can't build it with single releases. Concerts don't create momentum either. I think that, for now, the only thing creating momentum in the media is new members.

1. That's putting too much pressure on new generations, we expect them to do great immediatly. That has happened, but we shouldn't treat it as if every new addition should be like that.

2. There's not much to be covered by the media. Yeah, new members, we'll see how they'll do... That will probably take a segment the day after in the morning news, not more, and that is approx. once a year or two.

Solarblade wrote:^
Maybe Ruru is like Sakura where a lot of wota just don't find her cute? I don't know, but I agree on wondering why she keeps being passed up

I think I'm one of these, except I found Sakura cute, so if a lot of wota didn't feel Sakura in the first place, I'm worried for Ruru. That may be harsh, but I totally understand why she hasn't been picked up yet.
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Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th Generation Auditions Restart : 13th gen chosen from H!P Kenshuusei

Postby iroiro » Thu Nov 24, 2016 3:10 am

Not very excited about this tbh. I'm always look foward the most for complete newcomers to join. Personally I do NOT want Momohime in, or any of the other super young KSS. 14 years old MAX. I also want a 2 person gen... maybe 3. If they went through all of this to just choose one that would be annoying. But I feel like four is too many.

I do like Inoue Hikaru though, even though she's not really the typical idol "cute." And I like Kaga and Danbara. I'm also kind of hoping for someone that isn't really well-known yet or popular, but blossoms after debuting. That is always the most exciting to watch!
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Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th Generation Auditions Restart : 13th gen chosen from H!P Kenshuusei

Postby Moh » Thu Nov 24, 2016 4:02 am

I'd be okay with whoever they add. Maybe then I'll finally have a favorite in the group again. :mikihead:
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Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th Generation Auditions Restart : 13th gen chosen from H!P Kenshuusei

Postby Celedam » Thu Nov 24, 2016 4:03 am

Momohime is too physically immature for MM's current image. Yes, Haruka was the same age when she joined, but a) she'd already entered the "boyishly lanky" phase of her puberty and b) MM had a somewhat different image back then, as they transitioned from the Platinum Era to the Colorful Era.
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Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th Generation Auditions Restart : 13th gen chosen from H!P Kenshuusei

Postby Rysaria » Thu Nov 24, 2016 4:06 am

Momohime in Sexy Cat

Not yet. I love her but please not yet. I'm also on the boat of "enjoying a cute group that can also do mature themes without being awkward/controversial", but that's mostly because I enjoy badass MM the most.
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Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th Generation Auditions Restart : 13th gen chosen from H!P Kenshuusei

Postby Celedam » Thu Nov 24, 2016 4:19 am

Indeed. Whoever joins must be able to perform recent singles, just to keep up with the concert set lists, and a tiny little thing like Momohime would be… :crazy:

My bet is on Ayano Kawamura — because that recruitment was conspicuous as f*** — and one other like Kaede or Ruru. The management will play it safe with strong, established performers, because they can't afford another weak generation after the 12th.
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