by Starra » Sat Aug 20, 2016 6:34 pm
@forgetmenots: I'm not saying people shouldn't be surprised etc, just that I personally am not, given that they've been around for so long. At this point I'm surprised when idols last longer than 5-ish years, lol.
I much prefer groups actually breaking up and going "yeah we're done bye" than the wishy-washy "we're just going on hiatus we swear!!!!!". On one hand, I can understand it, since they probably care a lot about their group and want to "protect" it for lack of a better word. And I'm sure, at least in the case of some groups (solo artists/individual idols are different imo) that go on indefinite hiatus, not all of them want that outcome (this seems to be the case with Berryz, given how many of them have stuck around). But at the same time, part of me feels like it takes a lot of maturity to properly disband and move on. It, to me, says the members (or at least most of them) have accepted the decision.
If ℃-ute had continued on despite graduating from H!P or had gone on indefinite hiatus I wouldn't have been disappointed, don't get me wrong. I also don't think Berryz did the "wrong" thing by doing what they did. But I dunno, ℃-ute breaking up isn't surprising to me. I never really expected them to keep going if they ever left H!P for some reason. Of course this is just all in hindsight so it means nothing, lol.