Re: [7/2-8/16] 2015 ANGERME New Member Audition Winner : Kamikokuryou Moe
Tue Jan 19, 2016 2:15 am
Angerme new member Kamikokukyou Moe's introduction talk FC events, 2/25 TSUTAYA O-EAST. Kamikokuryou Moe gets to open up about herself more with her Angerme senpai.
Re: [7/2-8/16] 2015 ANGERME New Member Audition Winner : Kamikokuryou Moe
Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:52 am
Can I just say that Kamiko-chan is giving me Uta-chan vibes. I mean she isn't as naturally adorable as Uta-chan was... and shes not in a group designed to be as adorable cute as CG.... but shes shy and sweet and has these ace waiting to happen vibes and I'm just loving her in Angerme.
I honestly adore all four new girls in the group and Angerme was arguably the STRONGEST group in 2015. Every single they had last year was amazing. I keep looking at their PVs and thinking when did they become so cool? They've shot up to my second fav and I would have never imagined this back when they were 6 nin s/mileage. Ayaka is doing amazing as leader and even 2nd gen is stepping their game up.
Kamiko is a PERFECT addition to the group and I'm SUPER excited for the group in 2016.
Re: [7/2-8/16] 2015 ANGERME New Member Audition Winner : Kamikokuryou Moe
Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:10 am
Long ago, in the dark before-times…
This video was posted the same day she was introduced, so it was probably recorded before that and then found by wota. I just haven't seen it before now.