by Zunu » Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:08 pm
^ I know that in the ancient days of Ye Olde Interwebb, hotlinking was considered categorically in poor taste, but in today's world of essentially unlimited bandwidth, there's orders of magnitude difference between someone's privately hosted domain name and huge sites that are moving petabytes of data a day and would be utterly unfazed by the pinprick bite of jplop's leech. Plus, far as I can tell, tumblr has no policy against hotlinking nor do they make any site-wide attempt at blocking hotlinks. Googling "" will reveal that reddit has entire (nsfw) subreddits dedicated to hotlinking tumblr images, with no complaints by tumblr. So unless someone has a specific policy rule by tumblr forbidding hotlinking, I think we can treat them essentially equivalent to any image host.
tending to put ~ on song titles since 2002