by Zunu » Sat Sep 12, 2015 3:59 am
Okay, having heard the whole thing, I feel both better and slightly worse about it. Better, because it's a well-done ballad, easy on the ears, easy to remember, the girls sound great, the production is fairly epic, etc.. etc. Buu~~~~utt. It's one of the most conventional-sounding songs H!P has ever put out. It could've easily been released by any female Jpop group. Whether you love H!P (as most of us here do, I hope) or hate 'em, one thing they've never been accused of in the past is of sounding generic, EVEN WHEN COVERING OTHER ARTISTS' SONGS. So, this has me a little bit concerned.
To end this on a positive note, it's definitely still on my must-buy list.
tending to put ~ on song titles since 2002