I don't hate the group. I love some of the members. But I really don't give a fuck anymore. If anything it's just boring with the same thing over and over again. @.@; I'm getting sick of seeing them everywhere wherever I go, too.
It is. If it was RIVER of Beginner or Ponytail, I'd understand their sales. But with a boring song like this? I really don't get it. Quality's been going down starting this year, for them. Or hell, ever since Beginner. Chance no Junban wasn't that great. And even so these past few singles are the ones that sell even more. -__-;
Ah well, I like Beginner, that type of song a lot more than Flying Get or Kachuusha. Doesn't mean i don't like happy songs; Ponytail was amazing, and 10nen sakura was, too. But since Chance no Junban it's just gone downhill.