by Starra » Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:23 pm
The Imasugu "translation" makes me want to throw things. Whoever translated this has absolutely NO idea what they're doing. The lyrics themselves are grammatically incorrect, they don't flow (but they never do so whatever), they miss out "saa"s, and the end product is just a complete mess.
I really really hate how they just translate lines as incomplete phrases, rather than as actual sentences.
For example, the "やりたいことばかり / 一日じゃおさまんないよ" lines are translated as "Plenty of things I want to do / 24 hours a day is not enough". I'd personally go for "I have so many things I want to do / that I can't fit them all into a single day". The official translation isn't inaccurate, it's just messy and... bad. I know they're probably trying to make the translation the same kind of length as the Japanese lyrics, but sorry, English just doesn't work that way. It's a wordy language, especially if you're trying to convey abstract ideas (which Imasugu is mostly comprised of). It's also not even a case of difficult to translate phrases (such as wabi-sabi) -- whoever translated these lyrics is just lazy.
It's been a while since I've been this mad at an official translation. If you're going to do them, PLEASE put some effort into them.
I could be wrong here, but having better translations could also benefit fans who don't speak English as their first language but use the translations instead of the Japanese lyrics. If they're confusing to someone who's fluent in English, they're probably gonna be even more confusing to people who aren't.
Bitching aside, the MV is nice I guess. Definitely my least favourite song of the three, though. Sukatto is probably my favourite, but I think I'll wait until the single is officially released before I finalise anything.