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Re: Suggestion

Postby AyuHikaru » Tue Oct 28, 2008 3:28 am

Right now the board feels a little too "All About Idols" to me, taking away the major artist forums (Ayumi Hamasaki, Utada, etc) and replacing them with AKB48. I don't have a problem with AKB48 having their own subforum as there are SO MANY OF THEM, but the only people who have subforums right now are Idol groups, which is a little disconcerting.
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Re: Suggestion

Postby Sayange » Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:41 am

Honestly, I always wondered why people like Ayu or Utada had subforums in JPM since they weren't very active. :P

Plus, let's face it, which was the lead forum in JPM? The MM one. And that's idol. That means we love idols. :P

Anyways, I think the creator of this board never thought it would grow this big, that's maybe why he didn't do those forums.
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Re: Suggestion

Postby boinsie » Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:56 am

But I'm sure that if enough interest was shown by people in wanting sub-forums for other non-idol artists, he would have no problem creating them. :)
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Re: Suggestion

Postby Bossy Zunu » Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:20 am

Exactly. I would love to have more artists with enough of a following to support a subforum. By all means, give me some suggestions. But simply having one or two posts now and again, like the Ayu and Hikki subforums on jpm, don't really need a separate subforum. So actually it's not the size of the following. The question is how much news is there to discuss? Exile and Mika Nakashima might be huge but what is there to write about them on a daily basis? Dunno.
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Re: Suggestion

Postby Rikku004 » Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:36 pm

lol. i made one suggestion

Rikku004 wrote:i wonder... could we make an Avex subforum instead of an AKB or JE one?

not that it's OMG AKB can't have a subforum, but their info can be reduced to one... thread. more people go to Stage48, H!I (they have their own subforum) or H-O (a pretty active thread) for their AKB info.

I know the JE one has less activity as well (and it was beginning to be this way for the JPM one too). but we can either make a thread for it (like it used to be in JPM) or corral some folks to come here and use it. but the way those 2 "threads" are in there (especially the one about the Jrs.-lulz) they're still too wota-riffic.

I just would hope that if something DID happen to JPM, a lot of those folks can come here. this could be THE new place to be. but for now, it kinda looks a bit too "wotarded". Im seeing some old names (not too much into the idol scene)sign up. I wouldn't want them to be put off by it.

and then we also have that extra "idol conversation" when it could simply just be "celebs" instead. :D

the only reason why i say Avex and not Sony or Toshiba-Emi is simply because they're not as close-knit as Avex is with their artists. Also, I think Ayumi could work better with a thread like how we have here instead of a subforum or something. There's not too much going on and all info could be placed at the front page like how they used to do with the Koda thread.

Utada can definitely work as a thread as well in the OAF.

only thing about JE is that it just makes sense to have a subforum even though it wouldn't be active, since, like H!P it's one group/company with a bunch of active groups and artists under it. but the active part is more important.
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Re: Suggestion

Postby Chatin » Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:44 pm

It's a tough divide between H!P and JE and then something like Avex. H!P is known for having its members constantly be thrown into performances with each other, or even new groups. Also, the sheer mass of posting makes the need for a forum pretty apparent.

JE to a smaller degree, but I fear we just don't have enough JE fans to really make a new subforum that critical. I mean, how much JE talk do we have thus far?

Avex would pretty much just be a grouping of several artists who have nothing to do with each other 99% of the time. If it was still going to be each artist having their own individual thread, I don't see the need for a new forum. However, if the need arises for several threads about each of these artists, then I can back that.

Just my opinion on the matter.
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Re: Suggestion

Postby Rikku004 » Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:47 pm

well that's true about avex. but it just looks flashier: "Avex". and most discussions on JPM about Avex artists end up being Koda vs. Ayumi vs. Namie vs. whoever else anyway. So maybe we can have like a DIVA subforum where we put them all together anyway.

:D I just wish there was a way to group artists together. or have one big artist thread aside from the OAF/J-Rock/J-Urban threads. I would like a mix of other folk on here instead of the usual idol fans we find on other H!P/Idol forums.

but the JE subforum isn't active, so it could just be relegated to group threads.

or...we can have an OIF (Other Idol Forum) so Idol conversation, JE groups, Hexagon and like invented groups, and AKB (since a bit of the posts on the AKB forum are personal anyway) can go there.
Last edited by Rikku004 on Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Suggestion

Postby aiPod » Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:53 pm

well atm idol convo consists of gravure
and that doesnt sit comfortably with JE
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Re: Suggestion

Postby Chatin » Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:58 pm

I've already changed my mind about the Avex thing. I do understand how H!P isn't just a collection of group threads but community threads as well (Random MM Member Thread, etc), compared to all the other artists just stuffed into one little corner.

But if we can't find a real classification other than "Oh, and those Other Artists", then maybe it might be a matter of taking all the community threads out of the MM forum and moving them to the Karaoke Bar.
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Re: Suggestion

Postby Rikku004 » Tue Oct 28, 2008 1:06 pm

the only community thread in the MM forum we have is the random thread and the introduce thread (but that's because it deals specifically with MM). we CAN take that second one out and make it more Jpop general in the Jcentral subforum. everything else in the H!P forum pertains to H!P.

pod: considering that the tabloids put JE members in lap dance positions with lots of gravuries, i wouldn't say "sit" isn't the correct term. :laugh:

as for an Other Idol Forum, we can have subthreads within that subforum. those can house JE and AKB right? (even though they can deal with their own threads) and then we can have all the other idols take up the rest of the room.

there are also other idols like PUREBoys and that acting group that houses a bunch of guys came out of. so it's not like it'll be a bunch of fitties and a bunch of guy-fitties.
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